Thursday, December 20, 2012

**Oh I forgot...

If you're replying to the email to's not getting to me. I guess if you hit reply make sure my email address is in the address bar...otherwise I guess it gets lost in cyberspace. Or you can click on the blog and comment on the actual post.

Sorry guys!!

Wednesday, 12/19/12

Yesterday wasn't the amazing day I was hoping for.  I spent most of the with nausea...actually it's not really normal nausea.  I don't know how to explain it. It's that feeling you get just before you're going to throw up, except nothing happens.  So I'm stuck with that feeling after I eat anything.  Yesterday it was miserable. I got my workout in at like 8:15 last night and I felt so sick afterwards.  I had to have some ginger ale and stay sitting up until the feeling passed so I could go to sleep.  So...I guess maybe I'll just eat really light, super small portions and if that doesn't work I'll fast for a couple days.  My coffee in the mornings burns my stomach and the when I eat I just feel like the food is stuck...and it feels like it doesn't digest. OY...there's always something!

Yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 3253/2500
Eaten: 1900/1500 (Yes...I know)
Deficit: 1353/1000
Water: 40oz
Workout: 1/2 mile walk and Turbo Fire 55ez

Today I'm going to work on drinking my 100oz water and eating super light...just enough so I'm not starving but nowhere near getting full so I don't have to deal with the nausea/weird pukey feeling. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday Dec 17 and Tuesday Dec 18

Wow...this has been a lousy week so far.  I've felt like junk.  Physically and emotionally.  My depression is hitting me hard.  Well, you'll see that reflected in yesterday's numbers.

Burned: 2635/2500
Eaten: 1502/1500
Deficit: 1133/1000
Water: don't remember
Workout: Hiit 15 and Sculpt 30

Burned: 2492/2500 (so close!)
Eaten: 2263/1500 (yeah...I eat when I'm depressed.)
Deficit: 229/1000
Water: 20oz
Workout: none

So many problems with yesterday.  I woke up in a lousy mood.  Was grouchy most of the day. Ended up taking a nap to try and get myself out of the funk I was in.  Didnt' drink enough water. I worked hard all day to not give in to that urge to dull everything with food.  It worked until about 10 or so.  I listened to a friend talk about the really hard and crappy time she's going through and I couldn't hold it all in anymore.  All bets were lost.  It isn't near as bad as some of my binges, but still I'm ashamed and feel horrible about it.  So...I've figured out I need to have a deficit of 1300 calories today and tomorrow to meet my 7000 calorie deficit goal for this week.  It doesn't help that I'm incredibly sore, and because of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) (See article) I'm holding in about 3 pounds of water weight.  GRRRRR...I hate the scale.  I know my muscles are busy repairing and that will help them be stronger but it's just annoying.  Today my knee is KILLING ME...absolutely.  It hurts to walk or do anything but I've got lots to do, and workouts to catch up on...calories to burn.  So pain pills have been ingested and let the day continue...I really need to do something inspiring, cool, amazing, etc...really need to make today get me out of this funk...(but if that doesn't work I've called the Dr to get me some meds for this junk).

Love to all...make your day great...I plan to!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, 12/16/12

Quick post today...yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 2412/2500
Eaten: 1364/1500
Deficit: 1048/1000
Water consumed: 60oz
Workout: Hiit 20

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Friday, December 14 & Saturday, December 15

Two days in one post...what??!! I was so busy yesterday I had no time, then when I did have time, the internet was out.

Friday's numbers are:
Burned: 2465/2500
Eaten: 1369/1500
Deficit: 1096/1000
Water: 100oz
Took day as rest day because I was feeling pukey.

Saturday...ok first I gotta explain.  Saturday was gonna be a calm day...sitting all day at the assembly. I had two choices...just take the day as a high calorie eaten and lower calorie burn or do something about it. So I set my alarm for 6am.  It went off...I turned it off and layed in bed, thinking...yeah maybe I'll just sleep an extra hour.  But then I kicked my own butt, got up and did my workout.  No, my eating choices were not the best as far as calories go...but I made SURE I worked hard to burn the calories I ate. After assembly, even though most days I would have just hung out and chilled, we had a dance party to burn those calories off.  We danced until almost midnight.  They're not perfect but I'm not ashamed of my numbers like I would normally be...
Burned: 3093/2500
Eaten: 2224/1500
Deficit: 869/1000 (I will make those up during the a 7000 calorie deficit goal for the week as my BIG GOAL, in order to lose 2 pounds/week)
Water: 66oz
Workout: Fire 45 and dancing

Yes I know I'm not perfect in my eating, but I feel like I can make a decision to at least burn off the calories I eat.  That makes me feel better.  I am working everyday to make healthier choices, to not have a second serving of this or have a healthy breakfast (or any breakfast), or healthy lunch or dinner, more fruit, water, etc.  Small changes are better than none.

Love to all!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012's Friday...aka weigh-in day!!  I'm actually excited about this one! I'm at 191.7 today. That means I lost 4.4 pounds this week! WOOT!! :)  I've been working hard to keep my calories in check and make sure I meet my burn goal.  This weekend is going to be tough as we have Special Assembly Day, and we sit an hour in the car to and from, and sit all day.  I will try to walk around before and during lunch and maybe take the kids to the park after if it's not too dark once we get home.  I'll also be moving my workout to Sunday, my normal rest day.

Yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 2624/2500
Eaten: 1356/1500
Deficit: 1268/1000
Water: 100 oz
Workout: Core 20 and Stretch 40.  I'm feeling it in my abs today...yikes!!

Have a good day everyone!! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, 12-12-12!!!

I wanted to do something really epic and cool for 12-12-12 but we didn't do anything really awesome. We had a dozen dinner, so that was pretty cool.

Here are yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 2763/2500
Eaten: 1810/1500 (Yes...I went overboard on our dozen dinner...but since I had extra calories from the day before I figured it would make up for it.)
Deficit: 953/1000
Water: 80oz
Workout: 1 mile walk around the track outside.  I was scheduled for Fire 30 but had such a bad headache that when I took the kids to the park I decided to walk instead. 

Gotta go get my workout in. Late, but better late than never! :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hey everybody! Short post cuz I have a lot to get done...but here's yesterday's stats:

Burned: 3262/2500
Eaten: 1781/1500 (yes I went over but did you see how many calories I burned???)
Deficit: 1481/1000
Water consumed: 60 oz (gotta work on it, some days I'm just so cold I don't want to drink)
Workout: Fire 55ez

Feeling queasy today and kinda sick to my stomach, but hopefully that'll pass.  Gotta do down a ton of water and then go, go, go!

Love and hugs to all!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Yesterday was a really great day.  I was mindful of what I was eating all day, drank my water, did my workout.  I have to keep up this lifestyle if I'm going to see results.  One day at a time. 

I read a blog lately where the woman lost over 100 pounds. She said the way she kept herself going was by asking herself "Can I do this today?"  She did this everyday and that's how she made it through. I know it's not an easy journey, as I've been on it for quite a number of years...but this time is the last time I'm going from this heavy.  I'm done with it. are today's numbers:
Burned: 2808/2500
Eaten: 1343/1500
Deficit: 1465/1000
Water: 100 oz

I won't share my weigh-ins until Fridays...but today was encouraging.  I know it's water but I really needed to get rid of it!!

Thanks for supporting me on my journey!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm not as strong as all that...

It's been 37 days since my last post.  Those who know me know that November was not an easy month on our family.  We started at the end of October with finding out the house had BIG TIME septic problems that were way too expensive to fix.  We were told by the plumber that we needed to let it dry up under the house and it was going to cost in excess of $500 to repair.  There was mold growing on things in the closets and on some of the kids toys.  With 2 asthsmatic kids and one possibly, we didn't know what to do.  The kids and I packed up and went to Mom & Dad's house.  Mostly by Holy Spirit (I'm convinced!) our dear friend shopped at a store she wouldn't normally go to and happened to find a place for rent.  She spoke to the owners and at first, when I called them and inquired about the house, it didn't look like we would even have a chance to get it. Well, long story short...we did and we are living here now! It's a great place with room to grow (has a storage room that with permission could be turned into a 4th bedroom). It's warm, cozy, with no major problems and we LOVE it!!

So now that all the excuses are's time to refocus.  I have started another thyroid medication, Synthroid, one I've taken before and had good results with.  So far, so good. I've been taking it for about 2 weeks now, and I have energy and best of all no crazy migraines like with the other medication. YAY!! 

I bare my soul on this blog, so I am sad to say I'm starting over again at 195.4. I had surprisingly lost 2 pounds while at my parents house, but they came back and brought a couple friends.  Mind you, it's that time of the month so I could be retaining, but nevertheless, it is what it is and that's my starting point.  I'm starting my first Turbo Fire workout today and am determined to continue for the whole program.  I'm excited to see the changes that occur at that point.  Maybe by then I'll have some courage to post some this point I'm still at the before, and so you ain't seeing nothing!! LOL

So, my goal date is August 3, 2013 according to the Bodybugg results calculator. That's eating 1400 calories per day and burning 2400, for a 1000 calorie daily deficit.  I aim to drink 100 oz of water per day and I think I'm basically going to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch everyday to keep myself consistent, then just calculate what's for dinner and plan to see exactly how much I can have in order to stay within calories. I may post my intake/output here daily like I used to, so PLEASE let me know if you don't like getting the posts (for those of you I have on direct delivery). You who get these emails, I have chosen you as my support system.  :)

Well, here we go.  I'm planning on working hard and really want to see those results. I'm tired of starting over and over and over.  But the good thing is, at least I haven't quit yet!  NEVER GIVE UP!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Last week was kind of a blur with all the headaches.  Saturday I started seeing blue and red alternately after service.  I immediately took a Goody powder and laid down for a little while.  It did get a bit better and I went and helped a sister clean windows.  I'm feeling weak and dizzy again so I didn't do the workout I had scheduled for myself.  I took a break from the new medication Sunday and Monday...but yesterday I decided to try it again and I just felt off.  No migraine but I felt so weird and I didn't like it.  I contacted the company about getting it exchanged for something else so hopefully that will help.  It did make me SOOO very hungry yesterday I couldn't get enough food and it was not satisfying.  Today it's a little better but unpleasant. Let's just say I am NOT posting how many calories I ate yesterday.  Although I'm really hungry today I'm controlling it by drinking lots of water.

Wow this post is boring.  Sorry.  I'm really having a hard time making myself do what I know I need to do.  I have no idea why.  I have no discipline when it comes to food and exercise lately. I used to get up early and workout and that's when I had gotten down to my lowest weight (this time around) of 182.3.  I'd love to get there again. It's not that far away! Just gotta find my motivation I guess.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 4 of new meds.  Tuesday afternoon I got a migraine.  It was really bad.  I was cleaning and getting lots accomplished, had gotten my meeting study done, laundry, kids room cleaned, etc...and then it stopped me in my tracks.  I started seeing colors and patters and immediately took ibuprofen and tried to nap (as well as you can with kids).  When Andy got home I went to bed. I slept basically until the next day.  Wednesday it wasn't as bad to start with, I could feel residual pain when I coughed or bent over but nothing too bad.  Mid-afternoon it got a lot stronger.  I took more ibuprofen. Yesterday it was off and on.  Today it's here in the background.  It's not as strong as it was on Tuesday..that literally had me nauseated it was so painful.  I really hope it's not the new medicine causing this because I really want to start getting better!

Today I will attempt to get back on my TurboFire schedule.  I need a scheduled exercise program.  Even if I just do it very low impact, I will be burning more calories than if I did nothing at all, right? I'm quite irritated at all the health problems I seem to be having lately.  But I really think that being 66 pounds overweight doesn't help things like my back and hip pains and maybe it's causing other problems.  The body wasn't meant to carry more than it's supposed to.  So the way I see it I have got to work hard to get the extra weight off.  If the problems are still there at that point, then I can work to deal with them then. 

This week's numbers so far:
Tuesday -
Eaten: 1357/1400
Deficit: 963/1000

Wednesday -
Burned: 2240/2400
Eaten: 1449/1400
Deficit: 791/1000

Thursday -
Burned: 2354/2400
Eaten: 1798/1400
Deficit: 556/1000

Yes I know, I know.  For some reason Tuesday and Wednesday with the migraine and despite the nausea, I was really hungry.  Also since then every time I eat my stomach hurts.  I wish I could trade this body in for one that actually works.  Oh well...

Hope everyone has a great day and I'll try to update again soon.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Since the last time I posted, I have gained 3 pounds.  I have lost and gained the same 3 pounds over and over again.  I haven't been watching what I've been eating and certainly haven't been logging.  Burning calories really hasn't been an issue for me lately, as I've been so busy I've been burning over my target most days.  I'm still dealing with the fatigue and dizziness but somehow I've learned to just go with it and do what has to be done.  I took my bp yesterday after not taking it for a few weeks and it's still just as low. 

Today I started on some thyroid medication and so I really want to document how I feel and keep track of it so that I'll have some kind of record of it all.  It helps me to see if it's actually helping me feel better. I'm starting at a small dose at first, the recommended starting dosage and if I'm not feeling better in 3 weeks, I'll up the dose.  I hope I can regulate it and get to feeling more like my old self.  I go to the female doctor next week and I'm going to inquire about depression drugs as well.  When I was taking them before they seemed to help.  So we'll try that.

My weight is: 191.2.  I hate that.  I thought I was out of the 190's for good.  I'm trying to regroup careful and log my food.  I'm kinda tired of the struggle.  But I'm going to re-motivate and hopefully get this all off.  It would be nice to be at my goal weight by the next District Convention.  The goal is mid-June now.  Dang...I should have been there 2 years ago.  Oh well...can't cry over that now.  I have to just focus and move ahead. 

I am thinking about starting over with Turbo Fire on Friday.  I hope I can do it.  It may be super low impact but I need some type of structured exercise.  We also are going to start doing the C25K program soon...and I'm excited about that too.  The kids need some good exercise to thet those little hearts going.

I hope to update more often...I've said this before...if the posts are annoying just email me and I'll take you off the email list.  I won't be no worries!! xoxoxx

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Losing weight...yay!

For some reason I am just simply forgetting to log my food everyday.  I guess because I was feeling so lousy, it was just the last thing on my mind.  After a rough weekend I do feel a little better (other than a sore throat and a sleepless night last night). I sat and did some stretching on my neck so maybe that is helping.  I know the spine controls so much of our bodies and when something is out of alignment it can mess everything up.  So maybe I can work on that and maybe the other stuff will fix itself. 

The good news is I've lost a bit more weight, I'm down to 188.3. It's slow going but I'll take it. I am on track to meet my goal for October, I only need 9 more pounds.  I'm gonna work harder at keeping track of my food intake. I've been burning over my 2150 calories per day. I am not sure of my deficit.

But progress is progress...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Slowly but Surely...

So back to the weight loss...I'm so tired of thinking about my blood pressure and energy problems.  I've added a probiotic and chloriphyll (sp?) to my regimen.  Going out today to get some broccoli, spinach and other greens.

But I've lost some weight.  I'm at 190.2 today.  I'm almost in the 180's again and I don't have any intention of going back up once I'm there.  I'm keeing my consumed calories at 1400 and have lowered my burned calories to 2150.  There are days I barely make that because of being so drained. Monday was one of those days.  I need the extra motivation of someone "looking over my shoulder" so to speak, so I've decided to log my numbers again. I don't want to give up on losing weight. 

Last week my goal was to lose 1.5 pounds but I lost 1.3. I didn't eat that well last week and overdid it some days.  Instead of setting a long-term weight loss goal that seems very overwhelming, I have decided to set many short-term goals.  So my current goal is to weight 179 pounds by October 26th. My long-term is weigh 125 by July 6, 2013.  I know it's far from my original goal of being at my goal weight by the end of this year but will I be happy if I've lost that much by then? Sure.  So I've gotta do what I can do.  Maybe once I start feeling better (I'm still hoping that will happen) then I'll up it to 2lbs per week instead of 1.5.  Hopefully I'll be able to start TurboFire again, which I really loved and had fun doing.  Something has got to work.

Yesterday's numbers are as follows:
Calories burned: 2533/2150 (lots of housework lol)
Calories consumed: 1519/1400
Deficit: 1014/750
Water consumed: 60oz

I've just got to take everything one hour at at time. Some hours I feel good and have energy and others I'm barely awake and feel like falling on the floor.  So little by little...that's all I can do.  I'm going to look and see today about self-medicating my thyroid and see if it helps.  I do only have half of one so maybe it's part of the problem.  I also have a Dr appt October 1st. Far off but that's the soonest I could get in. 

I will try to update daily.  Those of you who get this by email if you get tired of it, let me know and I'll take you off the list.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So this blog is called Transforming Dee...about my weight loss journey.  Well now part of that has also become about figuring out what's going on with my blood pressure and trying to fix that too.  So I thought I would document a little about what I have been doing and if I'm noticing a difference. Then maybe I'll have something to show a doctor about what I've already tried.

So far this is what I'm doing:
Taking a multi-vitamin
Iron supplement
Magnesium supplement
B-Complex sublingual with added b-12
B-12 supplement
Total cereal twice a day
Drinking lots of water 80oz or more

I'd like to start walking again too now that temperatures are cooling down.  I have low-energy dips throughout the day where I just feel like I could pass out or collapse.  But I just try to rest and work through them.  The show must go on.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Taking a break

Well, after my last post I have decided I need to concentrate on figuring out this low blood pressure thing and fixing it. I'm tired of not feeling well. It's not that I'm giving up on losing weight but I can't do much of anything feeling this low. I have good days but they're becoming fewer and the bad are plentiful.

I'm going to make a Dr appointment and go from there. Once I'm losing weight again or something I'll make a weight related post. Thanks for the encouragement and everything.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Burned: 2268/2400
Consumed: 1756/1400
Deficit: 512/1000
Water consumed: 60oz

Yesterday's eating and activity were as a direct result of how I felt.  Horrible.  Today I'm gonna try and eat lighter, to compensate for the rest I'm supposed to be getting.  Now if I could only keep still.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 14, 2012

Burned: 2547/2400
Consumed: 1326/1400
Deficit: 1221/1000
Water consumed: 80 oz

So I wrote yesterday how as of Monday I was feeling better.  Well last night was horrible, I felt horrible toward the evening and during the meeting. This morning I got up earlier than the kids (for once) and felt okay in the morning, but now this afternoon since about 2:00 my arms are tingling and weigh about 100 pounds each and I'm lightheaded, not just when I get up but all the time.  I just want to sleep. Sleep and cry.  I thought I was getting better, I thought something was working. But nothing is working and I'm so mad and irritated. I have a house to run, kids to care for and if this is the way I'm going to have to do it then it's going to be very hard.  I'm not the sit around and do nothing type of person.  When I do have to sit around, I think about all the things I need to be doing.  This is not fair! I'm not old, I don't have a disease that would give me a reason to feel this way.  Between this and my hip/back pain that I've had for as long as I can remember I feel like I'm 90 years old. I just turned 36 last week.  I can't remember things I need to remember...simple things. I'm angry...very angry and I am not fun to be around. I'm losing weight but at this point who freaking cares...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 13, 2012

I know I skipped quite a few days.  Last week was a pretty low week for me and I didn't feel well at all.  As of yesterday I started feeling better so maybe all this stuff I'm throwing at this thing is finally sticking.  Hopefully. 

Burned: 2485/2400
Consumed: 1806/1400
Deficit: 679/1000
Water consumed: 60oz

I had a bad eating day yesterday. But I'm going to do better today. I was in one of those moods yesterday where I just didn't care. But I'm over that. I've downed 20oz of water already today, eaten my Whole Grain Cream of Wheat for breakfast and am off to a good start.  Last week I only lost 1lb. So this week I have to lose 3 instead of 2. With all the housework that I have to catch up on, the burning should be easy.  lol

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 * The late and long edition

Burned: 2882/2400
Consumed: 1468/1400
Deficit: 1414/1000
Water consumed: 80 oz
Workout: Turbo Fire Hiit 20 and Fire 45

Yesterday I made up for missing a workout by doing 2.  Used to, that would be no big deal because the equivalent of the two workouts equal one long one.  Well, yesterday it was the kiss of death for me.  I worked out early so that I would have the most energy.  After my shower, I did a few things around the house and that's all I could do.  I tried to get the  kids to take a nap but of course it was just trampoline time on my bed (not Sydney of course).  I dragged around, took all my energy to make dinner and get ready for the meeting.  I didn't even have energy to wear makeup.  At meeting, I was asked to be a substitute householder and I had to muster up energy and not look like I was about to pass out.  All through the talk I kept thinking about what would happen if I passed out on stage.  Not a pretty sight I'm sure.  During meeting I kept feeling like I was going to cry because I was just so tired.

This has happened each time I workout...afterward I can barely stand.  My BP stays really low.  I feel faint.  My face and extremities tingle and I get pins and needles.  I feel like I can't lift my arms and that I just want to collapse in a heap. I can barely care for my/our children.  (There are days that it happens and I haven't even worked out!) And that is irresponsible.  So...I guess for soul-mate workout is going to have to be shelved.  At least until I can figure out what's going to work and bring my BP up.  I just have to make my burn goal of 2400 calories which I'm sure I can do by the time I clean up after and play with the kids, run errands, go in service, etc.  Life comes before fun.

So, my posts won't have a workout in them for a while.  This is the 3rd summer this has happened to me. Maybe in the fall it'll be better.  I hope so.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Burned: 2384/2400
Consumed: 1453/1400
Deficit :931/1000
Workout: none rest
Water: 64oz
Weight: 191.7

I'm hanging on to water, and feeling exhausted, light-headed, dizzy, faint. BP still really low averaging around 80/50. Taking b vitamins but need to buy magnesium. Gotta do that. Maybe it'll help!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Burned: 2875/2400
Consumed: 1348/1400
Deficit: 1527/1000
Water: 64 oz? Not sure...
Workout: Turbo Fire 45ez

I lowered my calorie goals  to 1400 consumed and 2400 burned. On my low bp days and when I'm not feeling well, I'm struggling to get even that.  I'm still aiming for 1000 deficit per day so that I lose 2lbs per week.  I'm today back at 190.8.  I think the water is regulating in my system.  All that sweating from working out doesn't hurt either! Just got done mowing the lawn so got that extra exercise in today too. If it's not raining we'll walk at the track tonight.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Catching up...July 30 - Aug 1, 2012

Consumed: 1597/1650
Deficit: 1532/1000
Workout: Turbo Fire 45ez
Water consumed: 96oz

Burned: 2041/2650
Consumed: 1703/1650
Deficit: 338/1000
Workout: Rest Day
Water: 64oz
Had a really low bp day.  NO energy and felt very weak. It was everything I had to take care of the kids and go to meeting.

Burned: 2589/2650
Consumed: 1537/1650
Deficit: 1052/1000
Workout: Turbo Fire Hiit 25
Water: 64 oz
Also feeling low today but pushed through the workout. I was wiped out for the rest of the evening though and didn't make my burned goal.

This week's weight is: 192.6. I should really be a lot lower by now, but not drinking too much because of convention and not wanting to keep getting up and going to the bathroom kind of messed up my water and I've been holding on to a lot of it. I should be around 188 or 187 right now.  I wish I could jut release this extra water so I feel like I'm making some progress. Oh well...maybe I'll catch up.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Wednesday - Sunday, July 25-29

I was so busy Thursday getting ready for convention that I never got a chance to post for Wednesday or plug in my Bodybugg to get my burned calories. Today I logged food but didn't get as many calories burned because of sitting at the convention all day. I had every intention of working out after today but I'm wiped out. So I'm probably not gonna post anything until Tuesday for Monday. I've been retaining a lot of water due to monthly stuff and I'm hoping I will have lost 2 lbs this week or at least something.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 -- AKA Learn Nothing Day!

Yesterday was Learn Nothing Day.  We all failed.  Bailey learned a song to remember the fruitage of the spirit, Sydney learned it feels much better to throw up whne you're nauseous than not to, Bryson learned if he hits his sister he will have to be restricted from Xbox. lol... I learned  that thick grass is very hard to cut with a bad back...

Calories consumed: 1550/150
Calories burned: 2638/2650
Deficit: 1088/1000
Water: 96 oz
Workout: mowing lawn

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Calories burned: 2727/2650
Calories consumed: 1562/1650
Deficit: 1165/1000
Water consumed: 96 oz
Workout: Turbo Fire 45 (low impact)

I was in a lot of hip pain yesterday but decided to power through my workout. There were times I couldn't lift my left leg and other times where I just did arm stuff.  But I did it and now I know that I can. So I hopefully will keep up my schedule from now on without missing a day.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Friday and the weekend, July 20-22

So by Friday, the sickness had gotten to me.  I still can't stop coughing.  I'm exhausted from it.  Plus, my hip is out on top of that.  Walking is so painful.  So I didn't burn too many calories those 3 days.

THE GOOD NEWS???? I lost 3.24 pounds. My goal was 2.  So I'm super happy about that. 

Friday burned: 2300/2650
Ate: 1482/1650
Deficit: 818/1000
Water: unknown
Workout: none

Saturday burned: 1765/1650
Ate: 1606/1650
Deficit: 159/1000
Water: unknown
Workout: none
Andy took care of the kids and let me sleep in.  I hadn't slept well in days before that. 

Sunday burned:  1985/2650
Ate: 1131/1650
Decifit: 854/1000
Water: 32oz
Workout: none

The good thing to take away from this weekend is that I did  log my food and I'm happy about that.  I need to up my calorie output but I'm not sure how to do so in this pain.  Maybe I can manage a low-impact workout.  We'll see.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tuesday July 17 & Wednesday July 18, 2012

Did you miss me yesterday?  LOL...I honestly didn't keep good track of my food on Tuesday.  It wasn't a good day.  I had a fever and felt horrible and so ate accordingly. I didn't log anything.  Dorky? Yes, I know.

Here are yesterday's numbers:
Calories Consumed: 1778/1650
Calories burned: 2882/2650
Deficit: 1104/1000 *** I am really just working towards 1000/day.  If I overeat, I'm trying to get in extra exercise to make it worth it.
Water: 16oz
Workout: Turbo Fire 30

Oh, the weigh-ins are Mondays so I'll post my new weight on Monday. Let's hope I'm 2lbs down!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 18, 2012

Calories consumed: 1816/1650
Calories burned: 2522/2650
Deficit: 706/1000
Water: 64oz
Workout: Turbo Fire Hiit 15

Yesterday wasn't a good day.  My blood pressure was about 30 points lower than normal all day and I had a fever too.  I did my workout then afterward felt like I was going to pass out.  Not good.  I overate in response to sad news I got from 2 friends. It was a bad reaction, but my normal one.  Today I'm supposed to be on a rest day and so I'm gonna keep my eating as light as possible.  I still have a fever this morning.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Calories consumed: 1570/1650
Calories burned: 2532/2650
Deficit: 962/1000
Water: 96 ounces
Workout: TurboFire 30 min

Values are as follows: actual/goal.  Yesterday I was under my calorie burn goal...Bryson was sick and wanted a lot of cuddling time so I did a lot of sitting with him.  Today I'll work on marching in place or something while he's occupied.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Calories consumed: 2074/1650
Calories burned: 2243/2650
Deficit: 169/1000
Water consumed: 72
Workout: None

I am once again starting over.  I have reset my target date to March 1, 2013. I didn't want to but I've had a lot of setbacks between the move and my BP acting up again with extreme fatigue and near fainting.  The numbers I needed to lose each week became unrealistic. I have made a meal plan, but having a hard time sticking to it.  I have restarted TurboFire about 3 times we moved here and can't even finish a full week.  So, here I go again.  I'm tired of this starting, maybe doing well, then stopping and restarting.  I guess the point is not quitting.  Anyhow...I would say a bunch of positive stuff about how this time I'm going to do it but I'm tired of saying it and it not happening.  So I'm gonna say...let's see what happens this time.  At least when I was logging calories it helped me to feel more accountable.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm here again!!

Okay...been MIA for a while.  Stuff has been going on, that's life.  The great thing about life, is that is goes on.  I started Auxiliary Pioneering on a continuous basis starting this month.  I'm so excited!! I think too, the regular routine in schedule is going to help me keep track of what I eat. 

So here are yesterday's numbers:

Eaten: 1650/1650 (that's never happened!!)
Burned: 2768/2500
Deficit: 1118/850
Water consumed: 64 oz

I am still serious about meeting my goal by December 31st.  I've gotta do it!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The last few days

You probably noticed that for the last few days, I haven't posted.  That's because honestly, since Monday I haven't kept track of what I'm all.  I've had wicked PMS, and couple that with the sickness my family has been dealing with for over 3 weeks and I was just kinda too tired to care.  I haven't slept well in ages, and now with the kids and Andy up all night coughing, I'm overtired and cranky too.  lol...  With not caring what I eat, of course I've been in stomach agony and having really bad heartburn.  I know I have to eat a certain kind of diet, but I've been letting it go.  But today I'm back, gonna eat clean and light and drink lots of water despite the fact that I have major cramps and really just wanna sleep.  At least yesterday I did walk around the track like 7 times, mostly to burn off stress.  I'd love to do that everyday. 

So be on the lookout for a post tomorrow.  Gotta get back to it...I have a long road ahead of me. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday, 3/11/12

Burned: 2541/2400
Eaten: 1727/1650
Deficit: 814/750
Water consumed: 60 oz
Exercise: walking in place 30 minutes. I am thinking about getting  Walk away the pounds, because I think it'll make the time seem like it's going by faster. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Friday and Saturday, 3/9&10

Friday was a pretty cruddy day.  We were supposed to go in service but because of the girls being really sick, we didn't go.  How we're going to make our hours this month is beyond me.  We didn't go out yesterday either.  Bailey is running a temperature off and on and the way the girls are both coughing, along with Andy, it sounds like we're in a TB ward.

Friday's stats:
Burned: 2239/2400
Eaten: 2065/1650
Deficit: 174/750
Water: ??

Burned: 2430/2400
Eaten: 1529/1650
Deficit: 901/750
Water: 60 oz
Exercise: cleaning up after sickies and walking in place for 30 minutes.  It's about all I can do lately. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday, 3/8/12

Burned: 3066/2400
Eaten: 1771/1650
Deficit: 1295/750
Water consumed: 60 oz
Exercise: cleaning and mopping all day

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wednesday, 3/7/12

Burned: 2647/2400
Eaten: 1708/1650
Deficit: 939/750
Water consumed: 89 oz
Exercise: walked 1 mile


Tuesday was insanity.  Thankfully I stayed the course...

Burned: 2610/2400
Eaten: 1280/1650
Deficit: 1330/750
Water consumed: 77oz

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sunday and Monday

Sorry I forgot to post the last 2 days.  Been kinda hectic.  My chest has been hurting really bad, like gallbladder attack except I don't have one anymore, so I've been trying to keep track of what I eat and if it triggers pain or not.  I can't eat anything fried, I've learned and I've cut down on my second cup of coffee because that seems to hurt too. 

Okay, here are Sunday's numbers:
Eaten: 1616/1650
Burned: 2195/2400
Deficit: 579/750
Water consumed: 90 oz

Eaten: 1814/1650
Burned: 2633/2400
Deficit: 819/750
Water consumed: 44 oz

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I am not even gonna put down what I consumed and burned because I was wayyy off what I was supposed to do and honestly I'm embarassed by it. 

Today I'm drinking LOTS of water and being very careful with my calories. My back is in a lot of pain but I'm going to still try and walk some today. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Burned: 2479/2400
Eaten: 1588/1650
Deficit: 891/750
Water consumed: 36 oz

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Burned: 2480/2400
Eaten: 130/1650
Deficit: 1179/750
Water consumed: 89 oz

I'm going to stop weighing in daily and only weigh on Monday and Wednesdays.  I think that'll be better because of how weight fluctuates.  I know I like to weigh daily but I'm having a frustrating time lately with it going all over the place.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Burned: 2229/2400
Eaten: 1266/1650
Deficit: 963/750
Weight: 192.9
Water consumed: 47 ounces

Yesterday I had a migraine for most of the afternoon but I met my deficit goal so I'm happy about that.  The weight is coming off slowly but at least it's coming off.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No more hiding...

You can tell when I'm not doing great in my weight loss because I kind of hide for a bit.  But I'm back on track.  I've been really upset about how badly my back is hurting and how I'm just not finding relief which means I had to leave off from doing my Turbo workouts for a bit, which I loved.  I'm not quitting but definitely gotta get where I can even walk without pain before I try kickboxing again.  My workouts have been walking in place for now, until everyone is doing being sick and I can go outside again. Plus we're in for a few days of rain too.  I'm trying to stay more active throughout my day, walking in place while I type at the computer for instance, or doing more housework to burn more calories.

Here are yesterday's results.  You'll notice (those who have read this blog before) that some of my targets are different.  But I'm still at it.  My goal date is: December 28, 2012 and my goal weight is 128.
The first number is my actual number and the second is my target.  (actual/target)

Burned: 2476/2400
Eaten: 1368/1650
Deficit: 1108/750
Weight today: 193.1
Water consumed yesterday: 77/97ounces
Workout: walking in place for 30 minutes

Thanks for following me on this journey.  Any thoughts on vlogs?? :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Not doing so great...

Okay, so I was gung ho but now I'm not doing so great...but I'm back on track today. 
I revamped my goal to make it by Dec 31st.  That means burning 2550 calories a day, and eating 1800, creating a 750 deficit instead of 1000.  I might burn more...I might eat less but that gives me a good balance to work with.  I'm seriously gonna get to my goal this matter what!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, Feb 8

Yesterday was a kind of emotional day for me.  That is really reflected in my eating.  Plus the fact that while we were working outside it was 44degrees, freezing cold and wet, we kept having to take breaks to warm up and during those breaks I would snack.  I'm not proud of yesterday's numbers:

Eaten: 2588/1500
Burned: 2588/2500
Deficit: +17/1000
Workout: 3 hours gardening in the cold

I also didn't drink enough water being so cold but today I'll do better.  A small setback like yesterday isn't gonna keep me down.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 7

Burned: 2827/1500
Eaten: 1406/1000
Deficit: 1421/1000
Workout: gardening for 4 hours

Monday, Feb 6

Burned: 2764/2500
Eaten: 1346/2500
Deficit: 1418/1000
Workout: Gardening for 4 hours

I was planning on starting the 5-day inferno but I underestimated how exhausted I'd be and sore after all that yard work.  So this week my workouts are the yardwork because by the time I'm done every muscle hurts. :)

Sunday, Feb 5

Burned: 2525/2500
Eaten: 1375/1500
Deficit: 1150/1000
Workout: rest day

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday, Feb 4

Burned: 2604/2500
Eaten: 1263/1500 (stomach pain all day)
Deficit: 1341/1000
Workout: Hiit 20 and Stretch 10
Weight: ?? I'm not going to weight until I go back home.

Friday, Feb 3

Burned: 2611/2500
Eaten: 1689
Deficit: 922/1000 (not that far off! LOL)
Workout: REST DAY back pain and stomach pain -- decided to take the day to rest.  Plus I worked my BUTT off packing and getting ready for our trip so I got the burn I wanted!!
Weight: 195.1 ?? maybe DOMS from working out, I don' t know.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday, Feb 2, 2012

Burned: 3073/2500
Eaten: 1289/1500
Deficit: 1784/1000
Workout: Fire 55ez
Weight: 195.0 ?????

I'm not too awfully sore today, my back does hurt, it hurt all night along with my stomach.  Everything I eat hurts my stomach.  I've been trying to stick to things that are easy to digest but also using beans as protein instead of meat.  I've been drinking 80 oz of water, yesterday I drank 96oz. I'm not gonna give up I'm just going to keep doing what I"m doing because I know eventually I'm going to lose the weight.  It can't hang on forever with a deficit. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday, Feb 1, 2012

Burned: 2817/2500
Eaten: 1561/1500
Deficit: 1256/1000
Workout: Fire 60 <-----MY FAVORITE!
Weight: 192.1

Yes, I know I went over on my calories, but only by 51 and I burned 317 more than my target so it's ok! hehehe

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday's numbers

Burned: 2989/2500
Eaten: 1477/1500
Deficit: 1512/1100
Workout: Fire 45ez
Weight: 194.2

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Here are yesterday's stats:
Burned: 2641/2500
Eaten: 1231/1500
Deficit: 1410/1000
Workout: Hiit 15 and Tone 30
Weight: 194.4

The weight is actually today's weight. I think it's easier to write today's weight and let it be a reminder of how yesterday's actions affect me. The numbers are actual/target. =)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Burned: 2693/2750
Eaten: 1400/1600
Deficit: 1293/1150
Weight: 195.7
Workout: Rest Day

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Monday, Monday

Monday was pretty busy and I didn't have a lot of time to eat or overeat.  I am trying to stay busy so that I don't get those hungries from being bored.

Burned: 2830/2750
Eaten: 1443/1600
Deficit: 1387/1150
Workout: Hiit 20 and Stretch 10
Weight: 195.7

Weight went down a little today, maybe the water stuff is getting figured out in my body.  I still need to drink about 3 more bottles of water today, I'm really behind because of being so busy this morning taking the kids to the dentist and studying for the meeting.  But I'm gonna go drink 2 right now. :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday's stats

I took a break from recording...not on purpose just kept forgetting.  I really haven't been keeping strict watch on what I eat, so from now on I've got to get back to being careful, making sure I'm still within my calorie parameters.

Here are my stats from yesterday:
Burned:  3103/2750
Eaten: 1281/1600
Deficit: 1822/1150
Workout: Turbo Fire 45 and Stretch 10
Weight: 197.5

I'm up on my weight, I think because I was dehydrated and yesterday I started drinking a lot again.  My water is always a mess.  But I'm working on it.  I've gotta get back to drinking my tea too.  That was helping with my dehydration.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The last few days

I'm still dealing with the back injury/pain from Thursday.  The last few days have been pretty crappy.  Yesterday I felt better but I was still hurting trying to do things around the house and even sitting at the meeting was painful.  Coupled with that I've been feeling sick to my stomach, in that everything I eat feels like it just sits in my stomach.  I think I'm dehydrated. I have a bladder infection this morning.  So today the goal is drink lots of water and go easy on my back.  I've given myself a break from working out until my back is better, I don't want to go an injure it again.  I'm really down again about all this, but I'm trying to work through it.  I've been okay on my calories, last night was the only night I went over.  The thing that stinks is the exercise part.  I'm not burning near the calories I do when I workout or am really active and that's making me crazy.  But one day at a time.  I have gained some weight because of the water retention thing. The numbers don't make sense because there has been a deficit everyday, but I know how my body is and if I don't drink enough over the course of a few days, I just hold on to water as if I was carrying gallon jugs around. 

No stats...I think I will post stats again once I'm back to my workout routine.  This is only a setback, not the end of the world and by no means am I quitting.  I WILL get to my goal weight this year, and I'm super excited to do it!

Friday, January 6, 2012


I started out feling okay yesterday except for a little pain in my hip area. I think when I lifted Bailey's winter bed up to put it away I must have pulled something in my lower back because I've had pain in it ever since.  I didn't feel anything at the time, but I did about an hour later.  That's the only thing I can think of that I might have done.
Okay. I guess I gotta explain what Bailey's winter bed is.  During the winter, her bedroom is way too cold.  She has a space heater but it's on the same circuit as the central house heater, so when someone turns on the central heat, it blows the circuit if her heater is running.  So instead of trying to figure it out, we put a twin mattress on the floor in our bedroom and then run the space heater in our bedroom on a timer.  Don doesn't put the heater on at night, but usually turns in on at some point in the morning when he wakes up if he's cold.  So we have our heater set to be on for 4 hours at night and then we can all be warm.  Bryson also sleeps in our bed so that he can be warm.  Sydney has her own space heater which is on a seperate circuit so she can run it when she goes to bed.

Back to the weight loss stuff:
Burned: 2660/2750
Eaten: 1620/1600
Deficit: 1040/1150
Workout: None due to injury
Weight: 197.0

So I guess the 2 days I went over my calorie deficit is helping me this week.  I did gain some weight, but I know the risks in weighing in on a daily basis.  Weight fluctuates because of different factors.  Yesterday I drank very little until just before bed when I tried to make up for it and downed 25oz of water.  Despite my back pain, I was able to take the kids to the park and the library and also do my weekly grocery shopping at Walmart with all 3 of them and finish my whole to-do list which included cleaning my bathroom and doing laundy.  Not an easy task especially in pain, but life doesn't stop because I'm hurting. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Burned: 2883/2750
Eaten: 1669/1600
Deficit: 1214
Workout: Turbo Fire 30 and Stretch 10
Weight: 196.4

I had an insane amount of pain in my sciatic nerve and left leg last night.  Maybe today I'll take ibuprofen before my workout to see if I can avoid that again.  PAIN!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tuesday's stuff...

Burned: 2706/2750
Eaten: 1481/1600
Deficit: 1225/1150
Workout: Rest Day
Weight: 197.1

Last night was tough, I was hungry and I couldn't sleep.  I'm not sure why though because I did eat dinner and even had a snack after meeting.  But I'm happy because I resisted temptation and was able to finally get to sleep without getting up and getting something to eat.  Small victories! :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Yesterday I had a sinus headache pretty much all day and I just couldn't get warm. I was also very sleepy and kept dozing off on the couch at only 8:30pm!

I'm going to start adding actual number/target numbers.  This gives me a better idea of what I did in comparison with what I was aiming for.

Eaten: 1469/1600
Burned: 2573/2750
Deficit: 1104/1150 Didn't quite hit my target, but I did yesterday plus it all evens out.
Weight: 199.5 -- this is today's weight...basically showing results from yesterday (sort-of...I know it's based on other factors, but daily weigh-ins keep me on track better than weekly.)
Workout: Turbo Fire Hiit 15 and Stretch 10

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday's stats

Sunday's stats are as follows:
Burned: 2594
Eaten: 1418
Deficit: 1176
Workout: Turbo Fire 30 and Stretch 10
Weight: 201.4

I didn't get my target burn but I also didn't eat my full 1600 calories so it evened out. The workout was a little tough because of some pain but I did it and felt better once I did. 

That's it for today!