Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, 12/19/12

Yesterday wasn't the amazing day I was hoping for.  I spent most of the with nausea...actually it's not really normal nausea.  I don't know how to explain it. It's that feeling you get just before you're going to throw up, except nothing happens.  So I'm stuck with that feeling after I eat anything.  Yesterday it was miserable. I got my workout in at like 8:15 last night and I felt so sick afterwards.  I had to have some ginger ale and stay sitting up until the feeling passed so I could go to sleep.  So...I guess maybe I'll just eat really light, super small portions and if that doesn't work I'll fast for a couple days.  My coffee in the mornings burns my stomach and the when I eat I just feel like the food is stuck...and it feels like it doesn't digest. OY...there's always something!

Yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 3253/2500
Eaten: 1900/1500 (Yes...I know)
Deficit: 1353/1000
Water: 40oz
Workout: 1/2 mile walk and Turbo Fire 55ez

Today I'm going to work on drinking my 100oz water and eating super light...just enough so I'm not starving but nowhere near getting full so I don't have to deal with the nausea/weird pukey feeling.