Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday Dec 17 and Tuesday Dec 18

Wow...this has been a lousy week so far.  I've felt like junk.  Physically and emotionally.  My depression is hitting me hard.  Well, you'll see that reflected in yesterday's numbers.

Burned: 2635/2500
Eaten: 1502/1500
Deficit: 1133/1000
Water: don't remember
Workout: Hiit 15 and Sculpt 30

Burned: 2492/2500 (so close!)
Eaten: 2263/1500 (yeah...I eat when I'm depressed.)
Deficit: 229/1000
Water: 20oz
Workout: none

So many problems with yesterday.  I woke up in a lousy mood.  Was grouchy most of the day. Ended up taking a nap to try and get myself out of the funk I was in.  Didnt' drink enough water. I worked hard all day to not give in to that urge to dull everything with food.  It worked until about 10 or so.  I listened to a friend talk about the really hard and crappy time she's going through and I couldn't hold it all in anymore.  All bets were lost.  It isn't near as bad as some of my binges, but still I'm ashamed and feel horrible about it.  So...I've figured out I need to have a deficit of 1300 calories today and tomorrow to meet my 7000 calorie deficit goal for this week.  It doesn't help that I'm incredibly sore, and because of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) (See article) I'm holding in about 3 pounds of water weight.  GRRRRR...I hate the scale.  I know my muscles are busy repairing and that will help them be stronger but it's just annoying.  Today my knee is KILLING ME...absolutely.  It hurts to walk or do anything but I've got lots to do, and workouts to catch up on...calories to burn.  So pain pills have been ingested and let the day continue...I really need to do something inspiring, cool, amazing, etc...really need to make today get me out of this funk...(but if that doesn't work I've called the Dr to get me some meds for this junk).

Love to all...make your day great...I plan to!