Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So this blog is called Transforming Dee...about my weight loss journey.  Well now part of that has also become about figuring out what's going on with my blood pressure and trying to fix that too.  So I thought I would document a little about what I have been doing and if I'm noticing a difference. Then maybe I'll have something to show a doctor about what I've already tried.

So far this is what I'm doing:
Taking a multi-vitamin
Iron supplement
Magnesium supplement
B-Complex sublingual with added b-12
B-12 supplement
Total cereal twice a day
Drinking lots of water 80oz or more

I'd like to start walking again too now that temperatures are cooling down.  I have low-energy dips throughout the day where I just feel like I could pass out or collapse.  But I just try to rest and work through them.  The show must go on.