Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Slowly but Surely...

So back to the weight loss...I'm so tired of thinking about my blood pressure and energy problems.  I've added a probiotic and chloriphyll (sp?) to my regimen.  Going out today to get some broccoli, spinach and other greens.

But I've lost some weight.  I'm at 190.2 today.  I'm almost in the 180's again and I don't have any intention of going back up once I'm there.  I'm keeing my consumed calories at 1400 and have lowered my burned calories to 2150.  There are days I barely make that because of being so drained. Monday was one of those days.  I need the extra motivation of someone "looking over my shoulder" so to speak, so I've decided to log my numbers again. I don't want to give up on losing weight. 

Last week my goal was to lose 1.5 pounds but I lost 1.3. I didn't eat that well last week and overdid it some days.  Instead of setting a long-term weight loss goal that seems very overwhelming, I have decided to set many short-term goals.  So my current goal is to weight 179 pounds by October 26th. My long-term is weigh 125 by July 6, 2013.  I know it's far from my original goal of being at my goal weight by the end of this year but will I be happy if I've lost that much by then? Sure.  So I've gotta do what I can do.  Maybe once I start feeling better (I'm still hoping that will happen) then I'll up it to 2lbs per week instead of 1.5.  Hopefully I'll be able to start TurboFire again, which I really loved and had fun doing.  Something has got to work.

Yesterday's numbers are as follows:
Calories burned: 2533/2150 (lots of housework lol)
Calories consumed: 1519/1400
Deficit: 1014/750
Water consumed: 60oz

I've just got to take everything one hour at at time. Some hours I feel good and have energy and others I'm barely awake and feel like falling on the floor.  So little by little...that's all I can do.  I'm going to look and see today about self-medicating my thyroid and see if it helps.  I do only have half of one so maybe it's part of the problem.  I also have a Dr appt October 1st. Far off but that's the soonest I could get in. 

I will try to update daily.  Those of you who get this by email if you get tired of it, let me know and I'll take you off the list.