Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 * The late and long edition

Burned: 2882/2400
Consumed: 1468/1400
Deficit: 1414/1000
Water consumed: 80 oz
Workout: Turbo Fire Hiit 20 and Fire 45

Yesterday I made up for missing a workout by doing 2.  Used to, that would be no big deal because the equivalent of the two workouts equal one long one.  Well, yesterday it was the kiss of death for me.  I worked out early so that I would have the most energy.  After my shower, I did a few things around the house and that's all I could do.  I tried to get the  kids to take a nap but of course it was just trampoline time on my bed (not Sydney of course).  I dragged around, took all my energy to make dinner and get ready for the meeting.  I didn't even have energy to wear makeup.  At meeting, I was asked to be a substitute householder and I had to muster up energy and not look like I was about to pass out.  All through the talk I kept thinking about what would happen if I passed out on stage.  Not a pretty sight I'm sure.  During meeting I kept feeling like I was going to cry because I was just so tired.

This has happened each time I workout...afterward I can barely stand.  My BP stays really low.  I feel faint.  My face and extremities tingle and I get pins and needles.  I feel like I can't lift my arms and that I just want to collapse in a heap. I can barely care for my/our children.  (There are days that it happens and I haven't even worked out!) And that is irresponsible.  So...I guess for soul-mate workout is going to have to be shelved.  At least until I can figure out what's going to work and bring my BP up.  I just have to make my burn goal of 2400 calories which I'm sure I can do by the time I clean up after and play with the kids, run errands, go in service, etc.  Life comes before fun.

So, my posts won't have a workout in them for a while.  This is the 3rd summer this has happened to me. Maybe in the fall it'll be better.  I hope so.