Monday, January 28, 2013

New week...

Yesterday's post was awfully short, wasn't it? That's because I was in a pretty lousy mood.  I was gonna go off and vent about how bad I felt, gripe gripe gripe.  But that's not good for me.  I'm not saying venting is bad, I'm saying for me, it's just too negative. I seem to get stuck in a cycle of negativity so it's better to let those bad days or moments go and move on.

I had a doctor's appointment today but I had to reschedule because my poor Sydney is very sick.  I'm not sure when I'm going because their computers were down at the Dr's office and so they have to call me back with an appointment time.  This weekend wasn't too bad with pain...basically Saturday I didn't eat until half the day was over and felt fine.  I wish I could get away without eating! LOL  Feeling that TOM today and yesterday, lots of pain but gotta push through and do my workout for today.  They say exercise is supposed to help.  (BTW...who are "they" and won't they just shut up!!?? LOL) are yesterday's numbers. Nothing spectacular or even great because I did NOTHING yesterday.  It was a rest day and I rested with a heating pad...and chocolates....shhh!!

Burned: 1883/2500
Eaten: 1382/1500
Deficit: 501/1000
Water: 60oz
Workout: Rest day

It's a weigh-in Monday and on that note...weight is 183.6. 1.3 pounds and I'll be at my lowest since I had Bryson. September 7, 2011 I weighed 182.4 which was my lowest at that I am really striving to get past that and keep moving on.

Love and hugs,