Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blessing in disguise?

Ugh, this dumb keyboard! I'm gonna try my best...I actually took a key that I never use and put it where the T key is supposed to be.  But I have to hit it hard to get it to register.'s like using one of those old-timey typewriters.

So, back to my original statement. As horrible as this stomach illness has been...I've noticed something today.  My cravings are gone.  Weird right?  I mean I may see something and think, "oh that would be good", but I don't crave chocolate or pizza like I used to.  So, something good has come out of all of this. It sure has catapulted me into losing weight and that's a good thing.  I'm 3 pounds away from a 50lb loss (again). I guess in all our trials, we can learn something and use it to improve our lives in one way or another.'s my numbers from yesterday:
Burned: 2535/2500
Eaten: 1358/1500
Deficit: 1177/1000
Water: 100oz
Workout: Core 20 Stretch 40

The stretch workout was a lot easier than it usually is and I enjoyed it a lot more.
Ta-Ta For Now!!