Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A minor victory

I'm beginning to think I owe a lot more to this stomach/esophagus illness than blame.  Don't get me wrong, it's not that I like it at all.  I hate the nausea and pain, the feeling I can't breathe, etc.   But because eating hurts, I've lost interest.  I only eat because of hunger and sometimes not even then.  I've even fallen out of love with coffee...can you imagine???

I've explained it to a few people...but have you ever eaten something dry and not chewed enough and you can feel it travelling down your throat? Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you and you have that pain in your chest and the middle of your back and feel like you can't breathe?  That's what it feels like when I eat solid food. I mean, I can handle the oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc pretty good but for instance last night I had a turkey sandwich for dinner and was miserable after.  I burped and my stomach burned.  Last night my esophagus spasmed and kept me from sleeping.  This morning it still feels closed up.

So after all that, why in the world would I say that I owe this sickness more than just blame??  Because last night I had a small victory.  I was emotionally upset. In the past, this would have sent me straight to the kitchen.  In the days before we found out Bryson had allergies to corn, soy, garlic, latex, etc...we would have had plenty of snacks to choose from.  Whether it was cookies or chips or even nasty old fruit snacks.  I have been known to eat a full sleeve of fig newtons when I'm upset.  Something about that sweetness, the soft cake-like texture...but I digress.  But last night...not only was I not feeling well physically but there's nothing to eat.  Who stress eats grapes or apples, or a bowl of raisin bran?  LOL...just not the right kind of comfort food.  Sadly, that still means that if we had those things in the house I may have eaten them...but maybe not.  So I'm gonna call it a victory.

So on to my numbers for yesterday:
Burned: 2807/2500
Eaten: 1304/1500
Deficit: 1503/1000
Water: 80 oz
Workout: Fire 55ez

Love and hugs,