Friday, February 8, 2013

Out of the downy dumps...

Ok everybody, sorry for the Debbie Downer post yesterday.  Better today!! Still in pain but hey...gotta focus on the positive.  Like...I finally beat my lowest weight since I had Bryson!! WHOO HOOO!!  I actually beat it yesterday by .2.  On 9/7/11 I was 182.4.  Yesterday 182.2 and today 181.8.  YAY!! So who can be grouchy with that going on?  I've devised a new strategy.  Most of my nutrition is coming from Kefir, vitamins, instant breakfast, oatmeal, cream of baby mush diet.  Today hopefully I'll get my Shakeology!! YAY!!  But I'm trying to just have more snacks to stay closer to my 1500 calorie target.  Back a few weeks ago when I was only getting 900 or so calories I wasn't losing weight.  Even when I'm at about 1200 I'm not losing.  But now I'm trying to let my body relax and know that "Hey, you're gonna get fed so chill!"  Seems like it's working.  I'm also drinking water like it's my job.  The happy music helps too with the mood...who can be sad when you've got "Don't stop till ya get enough" by Michael Jackson playing?? (click and see!!)

Okay...numbers time...
Thursday, Feb 7, 2012
Burned:  2557/2500
Eaten: 1566/1500
Deficit: 991/1000
Water: 80oz...short of my 100 still!!
Workout: Core 20 Stretch 40 -- I used to hate these 2 workouts but I'm beginning to enjoy them more.

Okay friends...keep on keepin' on!
Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

So happy for you...keep it up!