Monday, February 11, 2013

Always having to catch up from the weekend...

I really should be more regular about posting but it's been a busy weekend.  When are they not? was a weigh-in Monday and I'm at 181.1.  I was hoping to hit that 180 or even 170's but not yet.  Soon I hope.

Burned: 2920/2500
Eaten: 1427/1000
Deficit: 1493/1000
Water: don't remember
Workout: Fire 60

Burned: 2631/2500
Eaten: 1511/1500
Deficit: 1120/1000
Water: again no idea
Workout: Fire 30 Sculpt 30

Burned: 2047/2500
Eaten: 1680/1500
Deficit: 367/1000
Water: 50 oz
Workout: REST DAY
As you can see, Sunday I did pretty bad in my calories, intake and output.  Very nauseous yesterday...felt sick most of the day.  It was my cheat day and since I usually shoot for 300-500 over my 1500 goal that was fine but because I felt so bad I wasn't as active as I usually am.

This week ends our first 30 days of the 90 day challenge and so I have to take measurements and pictures again.  I was thinking maybe at the end of the 90 days I'll post my pics here...we'll see how much I've changed and decide then.

Love and hugs,