Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Catching up again

I've been really busy and not had time to post.  Friday I went to the doctor and he scheduled an endoscopy for yesterday.  It went well...I guess, didn't really find a whole lot out except that I have inflammation in my stomach and some polyps.  My esophagus muscles were constricted so they stretched it out.  Creepy sounding.  Cassi took me and drove me home and I am so thankful!(Thanks friend!)  I was a lot more awake afterward than I thought I'd be (and giggly).  I have a follow up appt in 4 weeks so we'll see what they say then.

Okay...on to my numbers.  First of all yesterday was a weigh-in Monday and I gotta say I wasn't too happy to see 184.4 on that scale.  Today though I'm back to 182.8 and so I'm cool with that. I was hoping to be 181 by yesterday but maybe it'll catch up this week.  I'm back to my mush diet with occasional real food until either the pain goes away or the Dr tells me what's up with my stomach. He's got me on some DOG PILL medicine I have to take an hour before I eat.  That pill is nasty.  I also have to take Nexium.  I hate taking pills.  I'm up to 5 regular daily pills now...annoying.

Burned: 2830/2500
Eaten: 1238/1500
Deficit: 1592/1000
Workout: Core 20 Stretch 40
Water: ?? don't remember...my phone reset so all my info from my Water Your Body program got erased. 

Burned: 2564/2500
Eaten: 1358/1500
Deficit: 1206/1000
Workout: Fire 55ez

Burned: 2692/2500
Eaten: 1023/1500
Deficit: 1669/1000
Workout: Fire 30 Sculpt 30

Sunday: (normally my rest day but I did Monday's workout because of the procedure)
Burned: 2632/2500
Eaten: 1735/1500 (my planned cheat day)
Deficit: 897/1000
Workout: Fire 45ez

Burned: 2161/2500
Eaten: 962/1000
Deficit: 1199/1000
Water: 40oz -- wasn't allowed to drink anything before procedure