Friday, February 22, 2013

Sickness is not fun!

Duh right? But I really feel sorry for my kids especially now that I'm dealing with it!! All week it's been getting worse and yesterday afternoon was just my breaking point.  I had to take a Nyquil to sleep so I've got that in my system today making me super sluggish.  OY!

Burned: 3215/2500
Eaten: 1435/1500
Deficit: 1780/1000
Water: 100oz
Workout: Fire 45ez Stretch 10

Burned: 2513/2500
Eaten: 1494/1500
Deficit: 1019/1000
Water: 40oz (my bad we were gone a lot of the day and I didn't get my water in)
Workout: Core 20 Stretch 40

I'm a little frustrated because I've hit yet another plateau.  I will lose some weight, then stay still for a long time beofre I lose again.  Working on eating every 2-3 hours to see if that helps. Also gotta get better at water consumption.  Today I've down 60oz already...let's go for 120!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Shorter today

Okay so the last post was super I'm gonna make this one short.  Kids are still stomach feels better but I'm super congested. YUCK..

Burned: 2366/2500
Eaten: 1075/1500
Deficit: 1291/1000 (for any new readers, my goal is 1000 calories so if I go over or under calories eaten or burned, that's what I'm shooting for)
Workout: Fire 45ez
Water: 100oz

Burned: 2784/2500
Eaten: 1776/1500
Deficit: 1008/1000
Workout: Fire 30 Stretch 10
Water: 80oz

Hoping we get over this cold's no fun. 
Love and hugs,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Vacation Time...

Hi everybody! I hope today's post finds everyone happy and healthy and having had a great weekend! We went on vacation Thursday to Atlanta.  Sydney had a concert to go to and so we decided to stay over and make it a vacation.  We had a really good time. I packed for success and brought my Shakeology and coconut milk, my blender and my Turbo Fire DVD's.  I even brought a small DVD player. Although we had fun, it wasn't without a fair share of hangups.  I'll give you the deets down here with the numbers.

Burned:  2447/2500
Eaten: 1492/1500
Deficit: 955/1000
Workout: Core 20
Water: 40 oz
Water was a big hangup on the trip.  I didn't pack any drinking water, figuring we'd go to a store and pick up a gallon or two.  Big mistake. Didn't see any grocery stores near our hotel and we got busy and didn't have a chance to stop afterward.

Burned: 3144/2500
Eaten: 2695/1500
Deficit: 449/1000
Workout: Fire 45ez
Water: 40oz
Friday the hotel had a HUGE continental breakfast, I mean it had everything: danishes, muffins, waffles, omlettes, cereals, bacon, etc.  But I stuck to my oatmeal and mixed in some slivered almonds and dried cranberries.  Had a glass of water to go with it and I felt good.  Did my workout, went and swam with the kids in the pool, walked around IKEA for a couple hours and while there could just feel my blood pressure plummet.  By the end I couldn't hold my own head up.  We came back to the hotel and I took like a 3 hour nap.  Friday, eating was my nemisis.  First we went to IKEA and had lunch before shopping.  Well, we got the cinammon rolls and I looked on the box and it said 170 calories...not too bad.  It was only after eating it that I re-read the box and the serving size is HALF a roll.  OOPS! Okay...not tragic or anything....the tragedy happens when we go to dinner.  Bailey is begging for pizza and we found a Mellow Mushroom.  Wow their pizzas are top-notch.  We got a medium, and well, pizza IS my weakness.  As you can see I really overdid it. 

Burned: 2005/2500
Eaten: 1035/1500
Deficit: 970/1000
Water: 20 oz
Workout: NONE I get up have my healthy breakfast downstairs again.  We come up and get packed and leave the hotel...go to the mall for some shopping.  I'm in Claire's with the girls and I start feeling this BURNING in my it was really bad.  I took the little kids to Daddy and left Sydney in Claire's because I had to go sit down on the bench.  We get to the car and I'm scrambling around for a plastic bag to hurl in.  I'm throwing up on the way home.  It's bad.  By the time I get home I'm done for.  The crappy thing is the kids are all sick too and I don't know if the problem I had was related to my stomach illness and the pizza or what they have. 

Burned: 1759/2500
Eaten: 1502/1500
Deficit: 257/1000
Workout: REST DAY
Water: 40oz
I felt like crap all day.  I got up and took some generic Thera Flu because of sore throat and body aches and man that stuff knocked me out.  I went back to bed and slept until 1:30! That deep dead person sleep.  Not fun.  I was out of it the rest of the day. this very long post shows...yes I mess up.  I guess the only good thing is that it has been a while since I've messed up this bad.  I used to do this quite often then wonder why I wasn't losing weight.  I put on 2 lbs of water weight this rings are super tight.  Oh well.  Today I'm back on my workout schedule all rearranged to make up for lost days and am drinking water like it's my job.  I'm feeling better today other than some congestion. All I can do is get up, dust off and keep on going.

Love and hugs,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Monday - Wednesday

It's funny, last week I was super hyped, energetic but this week I have been kinda grouchy.  Maybe my happy pills stopped working.  I stopped taking the ulcer medication from the Dr because it made me feel so much worse.  Yesterday I ate real food and was pain.  I did wake up with some reflux in the middle of the night but so far so good.  Maybe I'm getting better.

On an even happier note...Tuesday was time to turn in our 30 days photos and measurements for the 90 day challenge I am in.  Although I'm not sharing photos just yet...I'm SUPER HAPPY to report that in 30 days I lost 8.1 pounds and 17 1/4 inches!!!! YAY!!  If you are working to lose weight I HIGHLY recommend pics and measurements.  I have a link to a video that will help you take accurate measurements every time.  If you don't see too much movement on the scale...the pics and measurements will make you feel better!! TRUST ME!!  I was hoping to lose 10 pounds the first 30 days...but I am happy because I can see the results of all my hard work.

On to the numbers:
Burned: 2836/2500
Eaten: 1507/1500
Deficit: 1329/1300
Workout: Fire 30 Tone 30
Water: 100 oz

Burned: 2922/2500
Eaten: 1351/1500
Defict: 1571/1000
Workout: Fire 55ez
Water: 40 oz

Burned: 2842/2500
Eaten: 1712/1500
Deficit: 1130/1000
Workout: Fire 45
Water: 80 oz

Love and hugs...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Always having to catch up from the weekend...

I really should be more regular about posting but it's been a busy weekend.  When are they not? was a weigh-in Monday and I'm at 181.1.  I was hoping to hit that 180 or even 170's but not yet.  Soon I hope.

Burned: 2920/2500
Eaten: 1427/1000
Deficit: 1493/1000
Water: don't remember
Workout: Fire 60

Burned: 2631/2500
Eaten: 1511/1500
Deficit: 1120/1000
Water: again no idea
Workout: Fire 30 Sculpt 30

Burned: 2047/2500
Eaten: 1680/1500
Deficit: 367/1000
Water: 50 oz
Workout: REST DAY
As you can see, Sunday I did pretty bad in my calories, intake and output.  Very nauseous yesterday...felt sick most of the day.  It was my cheat day and since I usually shoot for 300-500 over my 1500 goal that was fine but because I felt so bad I wasn't as active as I usually am.

This week ends our first 30 days of the 90 day challenge and so I have to take measurements and pictures again.  I was thinking maybe at the end of the 90 days I'll post my pics here...we'll see how much I've changed and decide then.

Love and hugs,

Friday, February 8, 2013

Out of the downy dumps...

Ok everybody, sorry for the Debbie Downer post yesterday.  Better today!! Still in pain but hey...gotta focus on the positive.  Like...I finally beat my lowest weight since I had Bryson!! WHOO HOOO!!  I actually beat it yesterday by .2.  On 9/7/11 I was 182.4.  Yesterday 182.2 and today 181.8.  YAY!! So who can be grouchy with that going on?  I've devised a new strategy.  Most of my nutrition is coming from Kefir, vitamins, instant breakfast, oatmeal, cream of baby mush diet.  Today hopefully I'll get my Shakeology!! YAY!!  But I'm trying to just have more snacks to stay closer to my 1500 calorie target.  Back a few weeks ago when I was only getting 900 or so calories I wasn't losing weight.  Even when I'm at about 1200 I'm not losing.  But now I'm trying to let my body relax and know that "Hey, you're gonna get fed so chill!"  Seems like it's working.  I'm also drinking water like it's my job.  The happy music helps too with the mood...who can be sad when you've got "Don't stop till ya get enough" by Michael Jackson playing?? (click and see!!)

Okay...numbers time...
Thursday, Feb 7, 2012
Burned:  2557/2500
Eaten: 1566/1500
Deficit: 991/1000
Water: 80oz...short of my 100 still!!
Workout: Core 20 Stretch 40 -- I used to hate these 2 workouts but I'm beginning to enjoy them more.

Okay friends...keep on keepin' on!
Love and hugs,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Anger and pain...

Weird subject, yeah?  Well that's kinda how I'm feeling.  Been throwing down the feel good music lately to get myself to feel better but deep down I'm angry at my body because I'm in so much pain.  Yesterday I did my workout, same as I did Tuesday, same as I will today but in pain.  I'm so exhausted from the pain that I feel dead afterwards.  I feel good while I'm working out except for sometimes my stomach hurts and sometimes that punched in the stomach feeling. But it makes me happy to workout.  So I'll continue.  Plus I made a 90-day commitment and I plan to stick to it...come what may.

Burned: 2925/2500
Eaten: 1257/1500
Deficit: 1668/1000
Water: 80oz
Workout: Fire 45 and walking around the track at the park

Sorry this post isn't uplifting or upbuilding...I just don't have it in me right now.
Love and hugs,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Yesterday was so busy! I had so much housework to catch up on since I was unable to do it on Monday.  I also had to go grocery shopping and run some errands...squeeze a workout in, study for meeting, and go to meeting.  Busy!!  But I managed to get it all done.  Because we ran out of time I picked up frozen pizzas for dinner and overindulged.  I burned off the calories but my stomach really hurt and hurts today.  Stupid me...You know, part of me thinks I'm angry and was just trying to punish my body for making me have to live with this stomach illness. I have been trying to keep positive but yesterday I failed.  I know I gotta take care of my stomach if I want to get better, but it's just tough. Today...happy thoughts...happy, happy, happy!

Burned: 2962/2500
Eaten: 1889/1500
Deficit: 1073/1000
Water: 80oz
Workout: Fire 55ez

Love and hugs,

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Catching up again

I've been really busy and not had time to post.  Friday I went to the doctor and he scheduled an endoscopy for yesterday.  It went well...I guess, didn't really find a whole lot out except that I have inflammation in my stomach and some polyps.  My esophagus muscles were constricted so they stretched it out.  Creepy sounding.  Cassi took me and drove me home and I am so thankful!(Thanks friend!)  I was a lot more awake afterward than I thought I'd be (and giggly).  I have a follow up appt in 4 weeks so we'll see what they say then.

Okay...on to my numbers.  First of all yesterday was a weigh-in Monday and I gotta say I wasn't too happy to see 184.4 on that scale.  Today though I'm back to 182.8 and so I'm cool with that. I was hoping to be 181 by yesterday but maybe it'll catch up this week.  I'm back to my mush diet with occasional real food until either the pain goes away or the Dr tells me what's up with my stomach. He's got me on some DOG PILL medicine I have to take an hour before I eat.  That pill is nasty.  I also have to take Nexium.  I hate taking pills.  I'm up to 5 regular daily pills now...annoying.

Burned: 2830/2500
Eaten: 1238/1500
Deficit: 1592/1000
Workout: Core 20 Stretch 40
Water: ?? don't phone reset so all my info from my Water Your Body program got erased. 

Burned: 2564/2500
Eaten: 1358/1500
Deficit: 1206/1000
Workout: Fire 55ez

Burned: 2692/2500
Eaten: 1023/1500
Deficit: 1669/1000
Workout: Fire 30 Sculpt 30

Sunday: (normally my rest day but I did Monday's workout because of the procedure)
Burned: 2632/2500
Eaten: 1735/1500 (my planned cheat day)
Deficit: 897/1000
Workout: Fire 45ez

Burned: 2161/2500
Eaten: 962/1000
Deficit: 1199/1000
Water: 40oz -- wasn't allowed to drink anything before procedure