Thursday, December 20, 2012

**Oh I forgot...

If you're replying to the email to's not getting to me. I guess if you hit reply make sure my email address is in the address bar...otherwise I guess it gets lost in cyberspace. Or you can click on the blog and comment on the actual post.

Sorry guys!!

Wednesday, 12/19/12

Yesterday wasn't the amazing day I was hoping for.  I spent most of the with nausea...actually it's not really normal nausea.  I don't know how to explain it. It's that feeling you get just before you're going to throw up, except nothing happens.  So I'm stuck with that feeling after I eat anything.  Yesterday it was miserable. I got my workout in at like 8:15 last night and I felt so sick afterwards.  I had to have some ginger ale and stay sitting up until the feeling passed so I could go to sleep.  So...I guess maybe I'll just eat really light, super small portions and if that doesn't work I'll fast for a couple days.  My coffee in the mornings burns my stomach and the when I eat I just feel like the food is stuck...and it feels like it doesn't digest. OY...there's always something!

Yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 3253/2500
Eaten: 1900/1500 (Yes...I know)
Deficit: 1353/1000
Water: 40oz
Workout: 1/2 mile walk and Turbo Fire 55ez

Today I'm going to work on drinking my 100oz water and eating super light...just enough so I'm not starving but nowhere near getting full so I don't have to deal with the nausea/weird pukey feeling. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday Dec 17 and Tuesday Dec 18

Wow...this has been a lousy week so far.  I've felt like junk.  Physically and emotionally.  My depression is hitting me hard.  Well, you'll see that reflected in yesterday's numbers.

Burned: 2635/2500
Eaten: 1502/1500
Deficit: 1133/1000
Water: don't remember
Workout: Hiit 15 and Sculpt 30

Burned: 2492/2500 (so close!)
Eaten: 2263/1500 (yeah...I eat when I'm depressed.)
Deficit: 229/1000
Water: 20oz
Workout: none

So many problems with yesterday.  I woke up in a lousy mood.  Was grouchy most of the day. Ended up taking a nap to try and get myself out of the funk I was in.  Didnt' drink enough water. I worked hard all day to not give in to that urge to dull everything with food.  It worked until about 10 or so.  I listened to a friend talk about the really hard and crappy time she's going through and I couldn't hold it all in anymore.  All bets were lost.  It isn't near as bad as some of my binges, but still I'm ashamed and feel horrible about it.  So...I've figured out I need to have a deficit of 1300 calories today and tomorrow to meet my 7000 calorie deficit goal for this week.  It doesn't help that I'm incredibly sore, and because of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) (See article) I'm holding in about 3 pounds of water weight.  GRRRRR...I hate the scale.  I know my muscles are busy repairing and that will help them be stronger but it's just annoying.  Today my knee is KILLING ME...absolutely.  It hurts to walk or do anything but I've got lots to do, and workouts to catch up on...calories to burn.  So pain pills have been ingested and let the day continue...I really need to do something inspiring, cool, amazing, etc...really need to make today get me out of this funk...(but if that doesn't work I've called the Dr to get me some meds for this junk).

Love to all...make your day great...I plan to!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, 12/16/12

Quick post today...yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 2412/2500
Eaten: 1364/1500
Deficit: 1048/1000
Water consumed: 60oz
Workout: Hiit 20

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Friday, December 14 & Saturday, December 15

Two days in one post...what??!! I was so busy yesterday I had no time, then when I did have time, the internet was out.

Friday's numbers are:
Burned: 2465/2500
Eaten: 1369/1500
Deficit: 1096/1000
Water: 100oz
Took day as rest day because I was feeling pukey.

Saturday...ok first I gotta explain.  Saturday was gonna be a calm day...sitting all day at the assembly. I had two choices...just take the day as a high calorie eaten and lower calorie burn or do something about it. So I set my alarm for 6am.  It went off...I turned it off and layed in bed, thinking...yeah maybe I'll just sleep an extra hour.  But then I kicked my own butt, got up and did my workout.  No, my eating choices were not the best as far as calories go...but I made SURE I worked hard to burn the calories I ate. After assembly, even though most days I would have just hung out and chilled, we had a dance party to burn those calories off.  We danced until almost midnight.  They're not perfect but I'm not ashamed of my numbers like I would normally be...
Burned: 3093/2500
Eaten: 2224/1500
Deficit: 869/1000 (I will make those up during the a 7000 calorie deficit goal for the week as my BIG GOAL, in order to lose 2 pounds/week)
Water: 66oz
Workout: Fire 45 and dancing

Yes I know I'm not perfect in my eating, but I feel like I can make a decision to at least burn off the calories I eat.  That makes me feel better.  I am working everyday to make healthier choices, to not have a second serving of this or have a healthy breakfast (or any breakfast), or healthy lunch or dinner, more fruit, water, etc.  Small changes are better than none.

Love to all!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012's Friday...aka weigh-in day!!  I'm actually excited about this one! I'm at 191.7 today. That means I lost 4.4 pounds this week! WOOT!! :)  I've been working hard to keep my calories in check and make sure I meet my burn goal.  This weekend is going to be tough as we have Special Assembly Day, and we sit an hour in the car to and from, and sit all day.  I will try to walk around before and during lunch and maybe take the kids to the park after if it's not too dark once we get home.  I'll also be moving my workout to Sunday, my normal rest day.

Yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 2624/2500
Eaten: 1356/1500
Deficit: 1268/1000
Water: 100 oz
Workout: Core 20 and Stretch 40.  I'm feeling it in my abs today...yikes!!

Have a good day everyone!! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, 12-12-12!!!

I wanted to do something really epic and cool for 12-12-12 but we didn't do anything really awesome. We had a dozen dinner, so that was pretty cool.

Here are yesterday's numbers:
Burned: 2763/2500
Eaten: 1810/1500 (Yes...I went overboard on our dozen dinner...but since I had extra calories from the day before I figured it would make up for it.)
Deficit: 953/1000
Water: 80oz
Workout: 1 mile walk around the track outside.  I was scheduled for Fire 30 but had such a bad headache that when I took the kids to the park I decided to walk instead. 

Gotta go get my workout in. Late, but better late than never! :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hey everybody! Short post cuz I have a lot to get done...but here's yesterday's stats:

Burned: 3262/2500
Eaten: 1781/1500 (yes I went over but did you see how many calories I burned???)
Deficit: 1481/1000
Water consumed: 60 oz (gotta work on it, some days I'm just so cold I don't want to drink)
Workout: Fire 55ez

Feeling queasy today and kinda sick to my stomach, but hopefully that'll pass.  Gotta do down a ton of water and then go, go, go!

Love and hugs to all!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Yesterday was a really great day.  I was mindful of what I was eating all day, drank my water, did my workout.  I have to keep up this lifestyle if I'm going to see results.  One day at a time. 

I read a blog lately where the woman lost over 100 pounds. She said the way she kept herself going was by asking herself "Can I do this today?"  She did this everyday and that's how she made it through. I know it's not an easy journey, as I've been on it for quite a number of years...but this time is the last time I'm going from this heavy.  I'm done with it. are today's numbers:
Burned: 2808/2500
Eaten: 1343/1500
Deficit: 1465/1000
Water: 100 oz

I won't share my weigh-ins until Fridays...but today was encouraging.  I know it's water but I really needed to get rid of it!!

Thanks for supporting me on my journey!!