Friday, July 27, 2012

Wednesday - Sunday, July 25-29

I was so busy Thursday getting ready for convention that I never got a chance to post for Wednesday or plug in my Bodybugg to get my burned calories. Today I logged food but didn't get as many calories burned because of sitting at the convention all day. I had every intention of working out after today but I'm wiped out. So I'm probably not gonna post anything until Tuesday for Monday. I've been retaining a lot of water due to monthly stuff and I'm hoping I will have lost 2 lbs this week or at least something.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 -- AKA Learn Nothing Day!

Yesterday was Learn Nothing Day.  We all failed.  Bailey learned a song to remember the fruitage of the spirit, Sydney learned it feels much better to throw up whne you're nauseous than not to, Bryson learned if he hits his sister he will have to be restricted from Xbox. lol... I learned  that thick grass is very hard to cut with a bad back...

Calories consumed: 1550/150
Calories burned: 2638/2650
Deficit: 1088/1000
Water: 96 oz
Workout: mowing lawn

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Calories burned: 2727/2650
Calories consumed: 1562/1650
Deficit: 1165/1000
Water consumed: 96 oz
Workout: Turbo Fire 45 (low impact)

I was in a lot of hip pain yesterday but decided to power through my workout. There were times I couldn't lift my left leg and other times where I just did arm stuff.  But I did it and now I know that I can. So I hopefully will keep up my schedule from now on without missing a day.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Friday and the weekend, July 20-22

So by Friday, the sickness had gotten to me.  I still can't stop coughing.  I'm exhausted from it.  Plus, my hip is out on top of that.  Walking is so painful.  So I didn't burn too many calories those 3 days.

THE GOOD NEWS???? I lost 3.24 pounds. My goal was 2.  So I'm super happy about that. 

Friday burned: 2300/2650
Ate: 1482/1650
Deficit: 818/1000
Water: unknown
Workout: none

Saturday burned: 1765/1650
Ate: 1606/1650
Deficit: 159/1000
Water: unknown
Workout: none
Andy took care of the kids and let me sleep in.  I hadn't slept well in days before that. 

Sunday burned:  1985/2650
Ate: 1131/1650
Decifit: 854/1000
Water: 32oz
Workout: none

The good thing to take away from this weekend is that I did  log my food and I'm happy about that.  I need to up my calorie output but I'm not sure how to do so in this pain.  Maybe I can manage a low-impact workout.  We'll see.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tuesday July 17 & Wednesday July 18, 2012

Did you miss me yesterday?  LOL...I honestly didn't keep good track of my food on Tuesday.  It wasn't a good day.  I had a fever and felt horrible and so ate accordingly. I didn't log anything.  Dorky? Yes, I know.

Here are yesterday's numbers:
Calories Consumed: 1778/1650
Calories burned: 2882/2650
Deficit: 1104/1000 *** I am really just working towards 1000/day.  If I overeat, I'm trying to get in extra exercise to make it worth it.
Water: 16oz
Workout: Turbo Fire 30

Oh, the weigh-ins are Mondays so I'll post my new weight on Monday. Let's hope I'm 2lbs down!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 18, 2012

Calories consumed: 1816/1650
Calories burned: 2522/2650
Deficit: 706/1000
Water: 64oz
Workout: Turbo Fire Hiit 15

Yesterday wasn't a good day.  My blood pressure was about 30 points lower than normal all day and I had a fever too.  I did my workout then afterward felt like I was going to pass out.  Not good.  I overate in response to sad news I got from 2 friends. It was a bad reaction, but my normal one.  Today I'm supposed to be on a rest day and so I'm gonna keep my eating as light as possible.  I still have a fever this morning.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Calories consumed: 1570/1650
Calories burned: 2532/2650
Deficit: 962/1000
Water: 96 ounces
Workout: TurboFire 30 min

Values are as follows: actual/goal.  Yesterday I was under my calorie burn goal...Bryson was sick and wanted a lot of cuddling time so I did a lot of sitting with him.  Today I'll work on marching in place or something while he's occupied.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Calories consumed: 2074/1650
Calories burned: 2243/2650
Deficit: 169/1000
Water consumed: 72
Workout: None

I am once again starting over.  I have reset my target date to March 1, 2013. I didn't want to but I've had a lot of setbacks between the move and my BP acting up again with extreme fatigue and near fainting.  The numbers I needed to lose each week became unrealistic. I have made a meal plan, but having a hard time sticking to it.  I have restarted TurboFire about 3 times we moved here and can't even finish a full week.  So, here I go again.  I'm tired of this starting, maybe doing well, then stopping and restarting.  I guess the point is not quitting.  Anyhow...I would say a bunch of positive stuff about how this time I'm going to do it but I'm tired of saying it and it not happening.  So I'm gonna say...let's see what happens this time.  At least when I was logging calories it helped me to feel more accountable.