Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tuesday, March 19

The post that posted earlier was about Monday.  I thought it posted but the post had failed.  Yesterday I did well with clean eating.  I need to work on my water intake...I just get busy and forget to drink as much as I should.

Ok...numbers time!! :)

Burned: 2565/2550
Eaten: 1378/1550
Deficit: 1187/1000
Workout: Stretch 40
Water: 53oz/100oz

4oz Orange juice


Shakeology w/coconut milk

1 oz swiss cheese

Taco salad (ground turkey and refried beans with tomato sauce, 2 cups of romaine, 1 cup spinach, 1 bell pepper)

1 cup grapes

A rocky start

So yesterday was going to be super clean eating and for the most part I did good. But then there was the mishap that happened last night. My subconscious brain took over, the brain who wants comfort food hijacked my hand and mouth and ate a slice of pizza. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it,I mean I stayed under my calories for the day but that wasn't the point.
Here are the numbers:
Burned: 2622/2550
Eaten: 1514/1550
Deficit: 1108/1000
Workout: Turbo Kick round 42
Water: 40/100 oz
It was made up of:
Coffee w/1oz half n half & 1 TBS sugar
Kashi GoLean crunch cereal
4oz 2% milk
Shakeology w/8 oz coconut milk
1 cup pineapple
That evil, evil slice of pizza
Doing well so far today. Hope you are too!
Love and hugs,

Monday, March 18, 2013


I have been stuck at one weight for about a month. I'm working on eating super-clean and maybe that'll help. Tomorrow I will post numbers again and post everything I eat. That'll keep me accountable for what I decide to put into my body.

See ya tomorrow!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Busy few weeks

Wow this month and the end of February sure have been busy!!  But it's been a good kind of busy, the kind of busy that leaves you feeling happy and satisfied that you are doing what you're supposed to be doing. 

As far as the weight loss, I've been accomplishing my workouts daily, eating under my calories except on my cheat day.  Andy and I started the Couch 2 5 K program yesterday and it was really fun.  I'll tell ya though, as much as I thought I was more in shape, that running still left me winded. 

I have been debating whether or not I'd post my numbers again and I've decided that I really do need that accountability.  I hope it's not too boring for you, my readers, but you can always ask me to take you off the direct mail list and I won't be offended -- promise!! :) 

I'm just gonna start with Sunday instead of catching you up with the whole week.
Burned: 3087/2500
Eaten: 1148/1500
Deficit: 1939/1000
Water: 100oz
Workout: Fire 45 and C25K

Hope everyone is doing well.  This week is our 60 day deadline for photos and measurements so I will post those results as soon as I get it all done.

Love and hugs,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I'm so excited! I'm halfway there!! I have lost 55.3 pounds and have 52.4 to lose!! It has taken 3 long years with lots of obstacles but I'm confident that the rest won't take that long.

Sorry so short was so excited just wanted to share!!
Have a great day!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Sorry about the lack of posts.  I have been trying to get my head in the right place since being sick and trying to get back on track.  Since I have been able to eat real foods again, I have been having a hard time controlling myself.  But I'm back and ready to go!

I'm gonna start with yesterday's numbers, because quite frankly one day's numbers are boring enough, much less a week's worth!

Burned: 3086/2500
Eaten: 1693/1500
Deficit: 1393/1000
Workout: Hiit 20 and Tone 30
Water: 80 oz

Hope everyone has a great week!
Love and hugs,