Monday, April 29, 2013


I have been thinking about this post for a couple days.  It's related to feeling guilty taking the time to workout.  Let me tell you how I came upon this train of thought.

If you have ever done a Turbo Fire workout, or any other of Chalene Johnson's workouts, sometime during the workout or cooldown she'll say that you need to put your workout on your schedule just like any other appointment.  If it's important to you, you will schedule it into your daily routine.  Then when something comes up, you're supposed to treat that as a standing appointment, just as you would a Dr appointment or anything else.  Here's the thing though with those of us who care for spouses and/or kids, pets, homes, spiritual responsibilities...we view exercise as a a secondary thing that's not important.  JUST LIKE WE VIEW OURSELVES!!  I used to feel guilty for taking that 45-60 minutes per day to exercise.  It was time I was taking away from my dare I? But here's what I came to my kids get upset now that Mommy can play outside with them and not get too tired?  Are my kids upset that I have more energy and can take them to the park more often? Is that taking away from them????  The answer is no.  My kids know that the time I take to exercise, whether it's early in the morning or in the middle of the day, or afternoon or evening...that's time Mommy gets better...FOR THEM!!  So I no longer feel guilty.  Yes, while working out I still have to stop arguments...spell words,  pause and make cocoa,fix boo-boos, etc but they understand that I need that time.

My point is, so do you.  If you have committed to getting healthy and you need to exercise, don't feel guilty.  The time you use is something that makes you better for those you care for.  They can spare the hour a day of your time to have you live years longer.

Okay...sorry that has been on my mind and I just felt like I needed to share.
Love and hugs,


Cheri said...

this post makes me so happy, even brought tears to my eyes! that may sound silly but I've waited for the day when you realized that you deserve to take that time not only for yourself but for the family too. for you to finally feel that you are worth it makes me proud :) love you friend, keep up the great work!!! xoxoxo

Diana Meyer said...

Thank you BFF! You're instrumental in that!! Love you tons!!

Diana Meyer said...

Thank you BFF! You're instrumental in that!! Love you tons!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post. I needed it.