Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Last week was kind of a blur with all the headaches.  Saturday I started seeing blue and red alternately after service.  I immediately took a Goody powder and laid down for a little while.  It did get a bit better and I went and helped a sister clean windows.  I'm feeling weak and dizzy again so I didn't do the workout I had scheduled for myself.  I took a break from the new medication Sunday and Monday...but yesterday I decided to try it again and I just felt off.  No migraine but I felt so weird and I didn't like it.  I contacted the company about getting it exchanged for something else so hopefully that will help.  It did make me SOOO very hungry yesterday I couldn't get enough food and it was not satisfying.  Today it's a little better but unpleasant. Let's just say I am NOT posting how many calories I ate yesterday.  Although I'm really hungry today I'm controlling it by drinking lots of water.

Wow this post is boring.  Sorry.  I'm really having a hard time making myself do what I know I need to do.  I have no idea why.  I have no discipline when it comes to food and exercise lately. I used to get up early and workout and that's when I had gotten down to my lowest weight (this time around) of 182.3.  I'd love to get there again. It's not that far away! Just gotta find my motivation I guess.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 4 of new meds.  Tuesday afternoon I got a migraine.  It was really bad.  I was cleaning and getting lots accomplished, had gotten my meeting study done, laundry, kids room cleaned, etc...and then it stopped me in my tracks.  I started seeing colors and patters and immediately took ibuprofen and tried to nap (as well as you can with kids).  When Andy got home I went to bed. I slept basically until the next day.  Wednesday it wasn't as bad to start with, I could feel residual pain when I coughed or bent over but nothing too bad.  Mid-afternoon it got a lot stronger.  I took more ibuprofen. Yesterday it was off and on.  Today it's here in the background.  It's not as strong as it was on Tuesday..that literally had me nauseated it was so painful.  I really hope it's not the new medicine causing this because I really want to start getting better!

Today I will attempt to get back on my TurboFire schedule.  I need a scheduled exercise program.  Even if I just do it very low impact, I will be burning more calories than if I did nothing at all, right? I'm quite irritated at all the health problems I seem to be having lately.  But I really think that being 66 pounds overweight doesn't help things like my back and hip pains and maybe it's causing other problems.  The body wasn't meant to carry more than it's supposed to.  So the way I see it I have got to work hard to get the extra weight off.  If the problems are still there at that point, then I can work to deal with them then. 

This week's numbers so far:
Tuesday -
Eaten: 1357/1400
Deficit: 963/1000

Wednesday -
Burned: 2240/2400
Eaten: 1449/1400
Deficit: 791/1000

Thursday -
Burned: 2354/2400
Eaten: 1798/1400
Deficit: 556/1000

Yes I know, I know.  For some reason Tuesday and Wednesday with the migraine and despite the nausea, I was really hungry.  Also since then every time I eat my stomach hurts.  I wish I could trade this body in for one that actually works.  Oh well...

Hope everyone has a great day and I'll try to update again soon.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Since the last time I posted, I have gained 3 pounds.  I have lost and gained the same 3 pounds over and over again.  I haven't been watching what I've been eating and certainly haven't been logging.  Burning calories really hasn't been an issue for me lately, as I've been so busy I've been burning over my target most days.  I'm still dealing with the fatigue and dizziness but somehow I've learned to just go with it and do what has to be done.  I took my bp yesterday after not taking it for a few weeks and it's still just as low. 

Today I started on some thyroid medication and so I really want to document how I feel and keep track of it so that I'll have some kind of record of it all.  It helps me to see if it's actually helping me feel better. I'm starting at a small dose at first, the recommended starting dosage and if I'm not feeling better in 3 weeks, I'll up the dose.  I hope I can regulate it and get to feeling more like my old self.  I go to the female doctor next week and I'm going to inquire about depression drugs as well.  When I was taking them before they seemed to help.  So we'll try that.

My weight is: 191.2.  I hate that.  I thought I was out of the 190's for good.  I'm trying to regroup careful and log my food.  I'm kinda tired of the struggle.  But I'm going to re-motivate and hopefully get this all off.  It would be nice to be at my goal weight by the next District Convention.  The goal is mid-June now.  Dang...I should have been there 2 years ago.  Oh well...can't cry over that now.  I have to just focus and move ahead. 

I am thinking about starting over with Turbo Fire on Friday.  I hope I can do it.  It may be super low impact but I need some type of structured exercise.  We also are going to start doing the C25K program soon...and I'm excited about that too.  The kids need some good exercise to thet those little hearts going.

I hope to update more often...I've said this before...if the posts are annoying just email me and I'll take you off the email list.  I won't be no worries!! xoxoxx