Monday, September 15, 2014

8 hour diet

So I thought I'd post a little more info on the diet I'm doing. Go here: and sign up for the free eBook. It's super short. I've been eating from 11:30a.m. to 7:30p.m. only. I haven't been been super restrictive or anything, just working on eating healthier things (more produce, less processed stuff).

So far so good! More stats Saturday!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


This week on Monday, I started something called the 8 hour diet. Basically, it's only eating within an 8 hour window. The first day I was hungry, but now it's been really easy.

I've lost 2.2 pounds (and one since yesterday! ) With a window of eating it's really hard to overeat, because there's no time. My stomach has felt better and I've had less indigestion. So win/win!!

I'll update again next week!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Saturday, September 6

Calories burned: 2372
Eaten: 1407
Deficit: 965
Water: 64 oz ( need to work on this)
Exercise : push mowing part of the lawn and raking the back yard

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A new commitment

Right now I'm sitting outside by the pool with my kids. It is so hot out today.

I've been thinking, a lot. What would take someone from an 80 pound weight loss to gaining 10 pounds, eating whatever and whenever?  Why would I work so hard, just to abandon ship and go back to my old ways? I don't know  the answer. I wish I did. I wish I understood how I could still daily log everything I eat and look at those numbers and not stop. What makes me feel so down that I push my emotions down with food? Why did I stop exercising?  

I read these old posts from last year and I think... who is this person?  Who is this motivated, motivating person ready to get things accomplished?  I don't know, but I'm gonna find her!! 

All I can do is recommit, and work hard again to stick to it. I've got you, my support team in place.

So I'll post my water consumption, calories in and out and workout here after I do it. This is how I'll stay on track.