Sunday, July 14, 2013

How Bad Do You Want It?

This post has been brewing in my brain for a couple of days now.  I have to ask myself this question as I veered off my plan a bit and went lax.  I injured my knee back when I was very heavy, reinjured it 3 years ago and about a week and a half ago it started hurting again and has been very swollen. It's painful to bend or put weight on.  I've been doing my workouts low-impact...which is so hard because I love the high-impact and jumping...and I guess that discouraged me. No, I know it did.  When you're used to being able to do whatever you want physically after not being able to for so long...going back to that "crippled" state is very difficult.

That brings me to the title of this bad do I really want it?  What is it?  I want to lose the 45 more pounds I need to lose to get to my goal. I reconfigured my goals on BodyMedia today and it said my goal would be met December 20, 2013.  My personal goal is by the end of the year.  Since I have lost 64 pounds so far, you'd think it would be easy...but it's really not.  So how bad do I want it?  Am I willing to stick to my daily calorie allotment...say NO to junk food and things that do not fuel my body? Am I willing to put my workout in at my highest intensity even if it has to be low impact, day in and day out? Time will tell...but as of this moment my answer is a resounding YES!  I love the feeling of being able to wear smaller sizes, trying on new smaller clothes, looking in the mirror or at pictures and seeing the results! So I have got to put that in front of me at ALL TIMES!!

So how bad do you want it? Are you willing to make the changes that are necessary to get the body you want?  You have to do it for the right reasons.  What do I mean by that? Well, are you trying to lose weight or get in shape because society says you should be a certain weight or size?  Are you doing it because your family is making you feel bad, like you need to lose weight to gain a certain level of acceptance in their eyes? If you're not doing it for reasons that come from deep within will  NEVER get there.  You have no motivation! Outside pressure is not enough to keep you from eating that entire
pan of peanut butter fudge when no one is looking. It's not enough to make you push play on your workout or go outside and get moving when the ones pressuring you aren't there to support you or do it with you.  YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOU! And if you don't want it bad enough, you will never accomplish anything.

Get in touch with your real reasons for getting fit.  Are there underlying emotional issues that keep you turning to food for comfort? Get help for those. Is it that you are tired of feeling heavy, depressed, stiff and uncomfortable in your own skin?  Really think about that and concentrate on how that feels for a few minutes...and resolve to change! 

I believe if you have the right reasons, you can do anything you put your mind to.  So, do you have the right reasons?  If so...then do you have the tools?  Did you know that I can help you reach your goals?  If you didn't...then ask me!! 

Together, we've got this!!

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

You are such a great writer. You are great with words & great at getting your thoughts & ideas down. I love reading your thoughtful & insightful blogs.

Unknown said...
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Amy Cornelius said...

Great post! And so have to want it bad enough. You are doing great!!