Monday, July 22, 2013

Why has it taken me so long??

Why did it take me 3 years to lose 39.4 pounds but only 7 months to lose 26.6?

Let me explain. For the first three years, I would get determined, have a setback, then quit. Get re-motivated, lose steam and quit again. I did this over and over again. If I missed a workout, no one was going to ask me why...if I ate too much pizza or stuffed down my emotions with some cookies, no one was going to slap my wrist and make me do better. I was lacking tough love. I was lacking accountability.

Fast forward to January 2013. I was invited to join a Beachbody Challenge Group. I've written about it before. I actually tried to get out of it before our start date!! But my coach Alli believed in ME, and she wouldn't let me quit.

Here's how it worked.  We had to check in daily with our eating and exercise and we were expected to send in measurements and pictures every 30 days. Think about that for a minute. I had to strip down to a sports bra and shorts and take photos of myself. Not only did I have to TAKE the photos, I had to send them to my coach. Aaaahhhhh!! But you know what? Now I HAD to change!!! People were watching me, expecting something FROM me. That seriously changed my life. My setbacks became just setbacks, instead of reasons/excuses to quit. It made me work harder, jump higher, and STICK WITH IT. There were commitments we agreed to, but those commitments, those obligations to myself and others...things like check in, log our workouts, drink Shakeology daily, etc., they were the KEYS TO SUCCESS!!!

I loved it so much that in June, I joined a second challenge group!! So far I'm doing well and the people in that group give me accountability, support, motivation and encouragement!!!!

So...what is holding YOU accountable? Are you trying to lose weight and/or get in shape? What keeps you pushing forward when you're having a day that you want to GIVE UP??!! Do you have someone willing to hold your hand and guide you through your journey?

I want to be your tour guide. Give me 90 days...let me help you! Let me help you get to where you want to be! I believe that if I can do it SO CAN YOU!!!!!! Take a leap of in you, faith in me.

Email me for details: