Friday, December 30, 2011

Stats from Thursday

Burn: 2395
Consumed: 1374
Deficit: 1021

My deficit goal is 1150 per day, but I know there are going to be days where I have a greater deficit, especially when I exercise and those days will make up for days when I am a little bit short, like yesterday. My eating went fine. I was doing the modified Shakeology cleanse but again, like last time I got this weird fish taste in my mouth afterward that was making me really ill.  I wonder if it's from the Nori or Blue Green Algae in it.  It hasn't expired and I never had that problem before, but maybe it's time to just get rid of the bag. I only have about 3 servings left.  Maybe I'll just have it for one meal a day and since I will have something else in my stomach maybe the fish taste won't be as bad.  I don't know.  It's kinda gross. 

I didn't get a workout in yesterday but I am going to try to today, or at least meet my calorie goal until my workout schedule starts on Sunday.  I didn't want to start it on the new year, but I want Tuesdays to be my rest day, so it just worked out that way.  Maybe the kdis and I can play outside or play a Kinect game if it's raining.

This is like the most boring post ever...hahahaha! Oh well I'm sure it'll get more interesting as time passes.