Friday, December 30, 2011

Stats from Thursday

Burn: 2395
Consumed: 1374
Deficit: 1021

My deficit goal is 1150 per day, but I know there are going to be days where I have a greater deficit, especially when I exercise and those days will make up for days when I am a little bit short, like yesterday. My eating went fine. I was doing the modified Shakeology cleanse but again, like last time I got this weird fish taste in my mouth afterward that was making me really ill.  I wonder if it's from the Nori or Blue Green Algae in it.  It hasn't expired and I never had that problem before, but maybe it's time to just get rid of the bag. I only have about 3 servings left.  Maybe I'll just have it for one meal a day and since I will have something else in my stomach maybe the fish taste won't be as bad.  I don't know.  It's kinda gross. 

I didn't get a workout in yesterday but I am going to try to today, or at least meet my calorie goal until my workout schedule starts on Sunday.  I didn't want to start it on the new year, but I want Tuesdays to be my rest day, so it just worked out that way.  Maybe the kdis and I can play outside or play a Kinect game if it's raining.

This is like the most boring post ever...hahahaha! Oh well I'm sure it'll get more interesting as time passes. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not looking back...

So, as you can see this blog is a clean slate!  I have decided to not look back and get upset about the fact that last year I didn't accomplish my goals. I have decided to not let it upset me anymore because it's keeping me from moving forward. Today I've started over by doing a modified Shakeology cleanse.  Modified because I'm almost out of Shakeology but I figure it'll give me a jump start into weight loss again.  I'm going to restart my exercise and get this thing done. 

I have just finished watching the finale of The Biggest Loser and it has really inspired me to get moving on this and get to work.  It takes hard work and dedication to get where I need to be.  I have all the tools I need in the bodybugg, TurboFire and other things, now I need to put those tools to good use and get to it.

I think I'm going to chronicle my food intake everyday, or at least maybe my calorie intake and burn.  Maybe that will help keep me accountable.  So I'll try to do that either the day after or at night before I go to bed.

The embarrassing part is that I have reverted.  I had lost over 50 pounds, but I have gained 19 back. All I can do is look forward and try to make progress.
Well, here goes...I have a long way to go but I will get there!!
Starting weight: 201.7