Monday, July 27, 2015

Do over

Don't you sometimes wish that had a do over button? Where you could just press this button and you could redo everything.  That's how I'm feeling right now with my weight loss. I wish I could just start over. I don't mean start over at 245 pounds, but I mean instead of all this time it's taken me to lose the weight just have a steady weight loss journey and be done by now. But that's not how life goes... I can only try to finish this journey I have started. Apparently the scenery was nice around 180 pounds and I hung out there too long. But I'm moving away from there and headed to lighter places.

I was thinking of doing a photo weigh in weekly... Not sure yet that's really intimidating to me.  I've actually been struggling with the thought of if I even want to continue with losing weight or just stay as I am. But I know I'd feel better even just 20 pounds lighter, so right now that's my aim. I'm never gonna have a body like these Beachbody coaches in my Instagram and Facebook feeds,  and I need to learn to be happy with this body. The one I'm in. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Learning my limitations...

Here I am. Another summer.  Not where I want to be in body composition. Why? I really don't feel it lately.  Is that weird?  I have just been living. Weight loss has been in the back of my mind , but not where it needs to be if I really want to make progress.

It has been a busy week and my low bp problems have come to visit again so I'm drained after being outside and in general. I am logging food but I'm not really exercising like I should.  Even my beloved Turbo is too much for me right now. 

We have convention coming up next week and until and through then,  I'm going to concentrate on drinking a lot of water.  That always seems to help me. After convention I'll figure out what needs to happen next.

Love and hugs,