Saturday, November 22, 2014

Tough week

This has been a difficult week. I can't pinpont why. But I just can't keep myself on my weight loss plan. Hmmm...

Today I changed my strategy. Got my workout in early. It seems like I burn more calories throughout the day when I get it done early.

I am really excited because next year we are planning a trip to Puerto Rico to celebrate my parents 30th anniversary. I have wanted to go there my whole life. So I am going to use that as my motivation to do what I need to do to lose as much weight as I can before then.

Myfitnesspal and BodyMedia still haven't fixed their issues and I keep forgetting to resync them each night so that I can post my stats. I hope they're gonig to fix it soon, but according to their tech support it'll still be a while.

Love and hugs,

Thursday, November 13, 2014


The workout was Turbo fire 60. I do all of them low impact so as to keep my back from getting worse. No jumping or anything like that.

Been working on drinking 96 ounces of water but it's tough when it's so cold!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Exercise was walking at the park. Just missed my 1000 calorie deficit by 10!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Here are yesterday's numbers. 

 Workout was Fire 45ez