Friday, August 21, 2015

A few changes...

I really have no idea if anyone actually reads this blog. If not, no worries! I need a place where I can get all that swims around in my head out! And to any who do read, thank you!

So I have been thinking about the format of this blog a bit, and I want to change it up. I love to write. I feel so good when I get my hands on a keyboard and let my fingers fly. It unloads my brain, and sometimes my heart.

Losing weight is still the main focus on this blog. I am learning how to juggle a busy family with losing weight. Anyone who has ready this blog in the past knows that Turbo Fire or any Turbo workout (there's also Turbo Kick, the live classes and Turbo Jam, the original) are my favorite workouts to do. But there are days...most days where that doesn't fit in to our busy lives. So I am trying to find a different way to get some kind of exercise in. As long as I stay busy...that usually isn't a problem. I aim for a target amount of calories during the day, based on goals set by me and the Bodymedia software, and if I can keep up with it I am confident this will be the year I succeed.

Well, gotta run...
Love and hugs,