Monday, February 23, 2015

Continuing Progress

Hi friends and readers! I am still here, plugging along. I am back to a near 70lb loss from my starting point. I think I was able to pinpoint what is going on with my body.

First of all, back in 2001 I had half my thyroid removed. My body has done a good job keeping up, even through 2 pregnancies after the surgery. But lately, the extreme exhaustion, dry skin, nails that split and don't grow, dry breaking hair and extreme sensitivity to cold have shown me that my thyroid is struggling. So I ordered some thyroid supplements, and have upped my dose from 1 when I started last week to 2 per day. I am feeling more energetic, so as I tweak that I will see how my body responds.

Secondly, last Summer as I was going through my very low blood pressure and blacking out period, I went to the doctor. She prescribed me a medication that was supposed to help me hold on to the sodium I took in but it forced my body to release potassium.  Consequently I did start feeling better...but as a side effect, I gained 15 pounds! As I have been feeling better I have weaned myself off that medication and have started taking potassium supplements and eating foods that are high in potassium. I have only been able to take 2 of those pounds off, but they are coming off so I am at least moving in the right direction.

I am back to doing Turbo Fire and am doing zig zag calories for my consumption. Basically, instead of just eating a steady amount of calories, I am doing low a few days and higher other days. I found the plan here: Calorie Calculator . It is supposed to keep the body from plateauing.

Mostly, I am back to being determined to get this weight off. It may be slow...but slow is better than nothing. This is not a race, there is no finish line because I know this will be a lifelong struggle.

I think having this blog and being able to share this journey makes me more determined to do it. It really doesn't matter if anyone reads it, but it's a nice little release for me.

Love and hugs,